Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’m feeling excited and a bit overwhelmed because school starts tomorrow. I feel excited because it’s a new school year with lots of possibilities, and I feel overwhelmed because I don’t quite feel ready for the first day.


This week on the blog:


Despite signing up and participating in Bout of Books this week, I haven’t read much. I started LINES OF COURAGE by Jennifer A Nielsen, but I only got to page 160. I did do a lot of researching WWI, though, because of Nielsen’s book.

I don’t know if I’ll get much reading done this week either because of school. I’m going to try, though.


I’ve been listening to my Faves playlist while running errands and being in the car. The song that stuck out to me the most this week is “Handclap” by Fitz and the Tantrums. I like to clap my hands against the steering wheel while I sing along to this song.


Corey and I watched various movies this week. Most of them were unmemorable. We got a new TV and it’s big enough for Corey to read subtitles (finally), so we watched EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE. It was amazing!

We also watched the first episode of SHE-HULK: ATTORNEY AT LAW. First off, it was really funny. Second, I love that View Spoiler » using Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). My therapist and I had a good laugh about it. I told him, “I’m a hulk. Okay.” His response to me was, “I thought I might say that it is empirically supported for BPD [Borderline Personality Disorder] and gamma radiation poisoning. ” I laughed a lot.


I went to PetSmart this week to get Izzy some litter. I decided to stop by the cats for adoption. There was a 3-month old female named Binks and I immediately fell in love with her. I tried to convince Corey that we should adopt her, but he’s not ready yet. I don’t blame him one bit. I miss Dax so much, and I know Izzy needs a friend. We can wait, though.


I want to dye my hair purple again. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to. Hopefully, soon.


I started PTSD therapy last Monday. It’s called PE, which stands for Prolonged Exposure. It works in conjunction with what I learned in DBT. I had a hard time doing my homework this week. I’m anxious about feeling the emotions even though I know it’ll help me in the long run. I know it’s going to get harder before it gets easier. Thankfully, I have the best therapist and I have the skills I learned in DBT to help me. I just need to remember that it’s about progress not perfection.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’m slowly feeling less broken-hearted. I still miss Dax, obviously. I’m just really glad she’s no longer in pain.

I’m also feeling much better about my eyesight. My vision’s still fluctuating a bit, but not as bad as it was in the beginning now that I’m no longer taking antibiotic and steroid drops.


This week on the blog:


I still didn’t read this week because of my eyesight. I’m going to start reading again this week, though.

Before I had LASIK, I started reading A DRESS OF VIOLET TAFFETA by Tessa Arlen. I’m going to put it on hold, though. I can tell I’ll like the story; I’m just not in the mood for it right now.

My book club meets this week so I’m going to try to get LINES OF COURAGE by Jennifer A. Nielsen read by our meeting. Then, I’m going to start A THOUSAND MILES by Bridget Morrissey.


I’ve been listening to a lot of music this week so I’m sharing two songs. The first song is from JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT. About a month ago, I bought some new clothes and one of them is a rainbow-colored jacket. I wore it this week and my husband started singing “Joseph’s Coat” to me. I, of course, had to listen to the whole soundtrack after that. (The video’s from the film adaptation of the play.)

The second song is one I discovered while watching CODA on my AppleTV. It’s a song I grew up playing on my player piano, and I love Emilia Jones’ rendition. The song is “Both Sides Now” by Joni Mitchell. (The video’s from the movie.)


As I stated above, I watched CODA on my AppleTV this week. It was such a heart-warming story. For those of you unfamiliar with it, it’s based on the book of the same name. CODA stands for Child of Deaf Adults. If you have an AppleTV and haven’t watched it yet, I highly recommend it.

We also watched the RESIDENT EVIL series on Netflix. I enjoyed it a lot View Spoiler ».


I love that Corey and I are basically done unpacking. We just need to hang our artwork and buy a few things for organization and then we’ll be done.


I want to start crocheting and knitting again. I haven’t done either since December.


I need to get ready for school this week. The new semester starts next Monday. I’m taking 15 credits, which includes my nemesis class Basic Computer Programing. Hopefully, I’ll get it done this semester. Third time’s the charm, right? (It’s not that it’s difficult. I’ve just gotten really sick both semesters I tried taking it and got so behind that I couldn’t finish it. Let’s hope I stay healthy for the next four months. )

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’m feeling broken-hearted this week. Corey and I said goodbye to our beautiful Daxi cat on Thursday. She crossed the rainbow bridge while in my arms without any euthanasia. She was almost 19 years old.

A couple of weeks ago, we noticed she wasn’t feeling very well. We took her into our new vet (who’s awesome) and they determined she had an infected canine. They took her blood and gave her some antibiotics and pain meds. Because her kidneys showed they were doing well, we scheduled to have her tooth pulled. They wanted to wait a couple of weeks to let the antibiotic take affect so there was less chance of secondary infection during and after the procedure.

On Sunday night, she took a turn for the worse. She stopped eating or drinking. We took her in to the vet on Monday for some fluids and then brought her home. The subcutaneous fluids seemed to help stimulate her want for water and food, and she perked up a bit. On Tuesday night, though, we could tell she was having a hard time. We took her in to the vet on Wednesday, hoping her planned surgery would help her feel better. Unfortunately, when the vet drew more blood to check her kidneys before putting her under, the numbers came back showing her kidneys were shutting down. They tried to flush her kidneys among other things to see if that would help turn things around. This morning, however, it was apparent by her lethargy and bloodwork that it was time to let her go. She waited until we came to say goodbye and then, as I said above, passed away in my arms without any euthanasia.

We’re absolutely devastated and Izzy keeps looking for her. Right now, we’re trying to remember all the memories we have of our beautiful girl and we know her brothers will take good care of her until we see her again.


This week on the blog:


I haven’t read anything this week. I had LASIK surgery on Tuesday and I’ve been trying to rest my eyes while they heal. My surgery went well, and for the next few weeks my eyesight’s going to fluctuate, making it hard to do things like read or work on the computer. Plus, I have to put drops in my eyes every 30 minutes to an hour.


Because I lost my sweet Daxi cat this week, I’ve been thinking about and listening to a religious hymn often played at funerals in Utah. I thought I’d share it because it brings me peace and I hope it does the same for someone else. Here’s The Tabernacle at Temple Square singing “God be with You ‘Til We Meet Again.”


I started watching BLOWN AWAY on Netflix this week. I love THE GREAT POTTERY SHOWDOWN on HBO MAX and this is just like it except with blowing glass. Blowing glass has always been something I’m fascinated with so this has been a fun show to watch when my eyes let me.


I really love my vet. He did everything he could to help our little Daxi cat. Corey and I appreciate all he and his staff did to try to save her and make her feel as comfortable as possible while she was at the vet.


I want everyone to know that I’m sorry I still haven’t responded to comments from my Top Ten Tuesday #29 and Bout of Books 35 Signup posts. I may not respond to today’s post either yet. I hope I can start spending more time on the computer this week and I’ll respond to all the comments and go around to everyone else’s blogs them.


I need to spend time with my Izzy cat to help her during the grieving process.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’m feeling a couple of emotions today. First, I’m feeling very anxious because my sweet 19-year-old Dax has a severe tooth infection. She’s scheduled to have it pulled on Wednesday. They have to put her under and we’re worried about her kidneys. Hopefully, she’ll come out of it just fine and start feeling a lot better.

I’m also feeling exhausted. It’s been a busy week full of unpacking, organizing, and other stuff. Fortunately, Corey and I are almost done. Unpacking’s taking as long as it has because we’re getting rid of things we don’t want/need anymore and it’s a time consuming project.


This week on the blog:


I actually read a little bit this week. I started THE DRESS OF VIOLET TAFFETA by Tessa Arlen. I’m not far enough into it to decide what I think yet, but I think I’ll enjoy it.


I’ve been listening to my “Faves” playlist this week. It’s been fun getting back to some of my favorite songs since I’ve specifically been listening to 80s music the past few weeks.

I love songs written by The Beatles AND I don’t like most of the original versions that are actually sung by them. Blasphemy, I know. I love The Beatles’ version of “Come Together,” “Here Comes the Sun,” “Eleanor Rigby,” and “Strawberry Fields.” For every other song they wrote, I like cover versions better.

I recently added a cover of “Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da” to my playlist and I really love it. It’s by Gabriela Bee.


Corey and I finished STRANGER THINGS! Holy crap! Season 5’s going to be a doozy.

We also finally watched the new Scream movie that came out in January. It’s also entitled SCREAM, but it’s really SCREAM 5. I love the franchise and this one was a fun addition. View Spoiler »


Back in May, I participated in Wyrd & Wonder. I signed up for the giveaways and won a couple. One of the things I won was a handmade pride friendship bracelet. It was made by @maelia_cybele on Instagram. She let me pick the pattern and shipped it all the way from France. Anyway, I got it in the mail yesterday and I absolutely love it.

Wanting Anticipating

I got everything worked out with my primary care physician and LASIK surgeon. I’m now anticipating the surgery, which is set for this coming Tuesday.

Needing Hoping

I hope Dax’s and my surgery go well. I also hope the result of my LASIK will be everything I want it to be.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’m feeling better than I did last week. I’m still feeling a little depressed, but not as bad as I was feeling.


This week on the blog:


I haven’t read at all this week. I’ve been too busy going to the chiropractor, OBGYN, the vet for one of my cats, unpacking and organizing, and going back and forth to IKEA.

This week, I’m going to try to do some reading. I have A DRESS OF VIOLET TAFFETA by Tessa Arlen, MISS ALDRIDGE REGRETS by Louise Hare, and THOUSAND MILES by Bridget Morrissey out from the library.


I’m still listening to my 80s playlist while I’m in the car. As I was searching for songs to add to my playlist, I found a song that I used to love to listen when I was a teen. It’s “El Shaddai” by Amy Grant. It’s one of my favorites.


Corey and I are still watching ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING. I wish we’d not started watching until season 2 was completely aired. It’s so frustrating to wait between each episode.

We started watching the new season of American Horror Stories and that first episode was SOOOOO creepy.

We’re up to season 4 episode 4 of STRANGER THINGS. Holy crap!


I love Corey so much. Friday was a hard day. I found out that my LASIK has to be postponed because my primary care physician’s office isn’t communicating with my surgeon. I tried to help by going to his office and see if I could get the info they need to send my surgeon. The problem is that today’s a holiday in Utah so everyone left early on Friday. (To be honest, it’s not my doctor’s fault. The office staff are difficult to work with.) Anyway, Corey took me to Baskin Robbins so I could get some pink bubblegum ice cream. That’s love.


I want to get things worked out with my doctors so my LASIK doesn’t get postpone anymore than it already has.


I need to rest today. I’m pooped from everything that’s been going on this week.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?