Review Policy

I’m not currently accepting books for review.

Review Policy

If you’re interested in having me review your book, please consider the following:

  • I post honest reviews, both positive and negative;
  • I only post my reviews to my blog and Goodreads;
  • I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, romance, and mythology;
  • I don’t read indie-published books unless recommended by a friend;
  • I don’t read non-fiction unless recommended by a friend;
  • I don’t review children’s books;
  • I don’t read series out of order;
  • I don’t read on time constraints; and,
  • I’ll only read ebooks on Kindle.

When I post a review, I include the following:

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Author(s)
  • Series or stand-alone
  • Genre(s)
  • Number of pages
  • Format
  • Source
  • Reason I read the book
  • Link to add the book to Goodreads
  • Link to buy the book on Amazon
  • Star rating
  • Sexual content level
  • A brief synopsis from Goodreads
  • My honest review
  • Potential triggers found in the book
Rating System

Here’s how I rate books:

: It’s a new favorite that I’ll reread over and over again! If I don’t already own it, I’ll rush out and buy it!
: I loved it and I’ll reread it. I’ll probably buy it if I don’t already have it on my shelves.
: I enjoyed the story, but it’s missing something. I’m okay checking it out from the library if I read it again.
: It was okay. I probably won’t read it again. If it’s part of a series, I won’t keep reading.
: I hated it. The story, writing, characters, etc or all of it just wasn’t for me.

Flames System

I use flame ratings to show the level of sexually explicit content in a book. Here’s what each rating means:

: No romance. Considered another genre. May contain innuendo and brief mention of sex in passing.
: Some romance. Considered another genre. May contain innuendo and brief mention of sex in passing.
: Romance. Sex isn’t main focus. Closed-door sex.
: Romance. Sex isn’t main focus. Open-door sex with no mention of genitalia.
: Romance. Sex isn’t main focus. Very descriptive open-door sex with mention of genitalia.
: Erotica. Sex is main focus. Very descriptive open-door sex with mention of genitalia.

Contact Me

If you still want me to review your book, please email me at I don’t guarantee a response so please don’t send more than one request. Otherwise, I’ll blacklist you.

For half-star or -flame ratings, I couldn’t decide where the book fit. It’s a combination of both star or flame ratings it falls between.