Bout of Books is a week-long readathon held every January, May, and August. It’s low-pressure. There are optional reading sprints, Twitter chats, and Instagram challenges.

That’s it! Another Bout of Books has come and gone. I had a great time focusing on my reading this week. I only participated in the Instagram challenge on the first day, though, oh well.

I hope everyone who participated had just as much fun as I did. Thank you, Amanda and Kelly, for all the hard work you put into making Bout of Books as much fun as it is each and every time!

Don’t forget that the next Bout of Books is May 13 to 19, 2024.


I had a great week. Here are my totals!

Pages Read: 597
Hours Read: 21 hrs 44 min
Books Finished: The Star Scroll (also from 4% to 16% in The Ballads of Songbirds and Snakes)

How was your week? Did you meet your goals?

Bout of Books is a week-long readathon held every January, May, and August. It’s low-pressure. There are optional reading sprints, Twitter chats, and Instagram challenges.

Bout of Books 39 is here! With everything that’s happened in the last 8 months, my reading has almost been non-existent. I’m really excited to get my reading on this week and hit 2024 running!

During the week as I participate in Bout of Books, I’ll keep track of my progress on this post. At the end of the week, I’ll post a wrap-up with my totals.



Pages Read: 56
Time Read: 2 hrs 17 min
Book Finished:
Currently Reading: The Star Scroll
Comments: I’m not the fastest reader, but I enjoyed myself.


Pages Read: 104
Time Read: 4 hrs 21 min
Book Finished:
Currently Reading: The Star Scroll
Comments: I’m glad I got to read as much as I did today.


Pages Read: 113
Time Read: 4 hrs 15 min
Book Finished:
Currently Reading: The Star Scroll
Comments: I don’t want to stop reading, but I value my sleep too much.


Pages Read: 33
Time Read: 55 min
Book Finished:
Currently Reading: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Comments: I had a really busy day so I didn’t get to read as much.


Pages Read: 49 (SC), 33 (BSS)—82 total
Time Read: 2 hrs 29 min
Book Finished:
Currently Reading: The Star Scroll, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Comments: Despite sleeping very poorly last night, I got quite a bit of reading in.


Pages Read: 63
Time Read: 2 hrs 18 min
Book Finished:
Currently Reading: The Star Scroll
Comments: I’m nearly done! Tomorrow!


Pages Read: 146
Time Read: 5 hrs 9 min
Book Finished: The Star Scroll
Currently Reading:
Comments: Yay! I finished a book this week.

Are you participating in Bout of Books 39? What do you plan to read this week? Let’s make this a great week!

Bout of Books is a week-long readathon held every January, May, and August. It’s low-pressure. There are optional reading sprints, Twitter chats, and Instagram challenges.

I’ve decided to join the Bout of Books readathon from January 1st to 7th. I decided that Bout of Books would be a great way to jump start my reading for 2024.

My TBR for Bout of Books is up in the air. It all depends on what I finish reading between now and then. Here’s a tentative list for now:

Are you going to join in the fun?

Bout of Books is a week-long readathon held every January, May, and August. It’s low-pressure. There are optional reading sprints, Twitter chats, and Instagram challenges.

Bout of Books 36 is here! With everything that’s happened in the last couple of months, my reading has slowed way down. I’m really excited to get my reading on this week and hit 2023 running!

During the week as I participate in Bout of Books, I’ll keep track of my progress on this post. At the end of the week, I’ll post a wrap-up with my totals.

I’ll also be joining in on the Instagram challenge this week. Click here if you’d like to follow me on Instagram .



Pages Read: 0
Time Read:
Book Finished:
Currently Reading:
Comments: I didn’t read anything because I got other things done that I needed to. It’ll help me read more the rest of the week, hopefully.


Pages Read: 0
Time Read:
Book Finished:
Currently Reading:
Comments: The meds I’m taking to help me not itch makes me sleepy. I can’t read when I’m sleepy.


Pages Read: 0
Time Read:
Book Finished:
Currently Reading:
Comments: I’m kind of sucking at reading this week.


Pages Read: 0
Time Read:
Book Finished:
Currently Reading:
Comments: Nope. No reading.


Pages Read: 0
Time Read:
Book Finished:
Currently Reading:
Comments: Still no reading.


Pages Read: 0
Time Read:
Book Finished:
Currently Reading:
Comments: This seems to have been an epic fail. 😂


Pages Read: 0
Time Read:
Book Finished:
Currently Reading:
Comments: Sometimes I do really well with Bout of Books and other times I just can’t motivate myself to read. This was one of the latter times. It is what it is.

Are you participating in Bout of Books 36? What do you plan to read this week? Let’s make this a great week!

Bout of Books is a week-long readathon held every January, May, and August. It’s low-pressure. There are optional reading sprints, Twitter chats, and Instagram challenges.

I’ve decided to join the Bout of Books readathon from January 2nd to 8th. Since I start school on the 9th, I decided that Bout of Books would be a great way to jump start my reading for 2023.

I’m hoping that I’ll be able to read my Unofficial Trim Challenge book, MISTBORN by Brandon Sanderson, and start my IRL book club book, MY GRANDMOTHER ASKED ME TO TELL YOU SHE’S SORRY by Frederik Backman. I may read some of my January PBT book as well, TASTE: MY LIFE THROUGH FOOD by Stanley Tucci.

Are you going to join in the fun?