Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.
What Happened this Week

This week has been a little hectic. Thankfully, my migraine was gone by Monday afternoon. I’ve had some minor headaches since but I think it’s because I keep clenching my jaw due to stress without realizing I’m doing it. I tried using a mouth guard and it gave me a worse headache. I’ll have to figure something else out, I guess.

I still had some things to do to get ready for school starting this Wednesday. Fortunately, I’m ready now and excited about my classes.

My BFF’s son’s birthday was the 14th so Corey and I went over to their house for his birthday party. He turned 4 and it was fun watching him interact with all the people and his excitement over his gifts.

I met with my new old therapist on Thursday. “New” because he’s not my DBT therapist I had been seeing since 2021, and “old” because he was my therapist before I moved to DBT. It was nice to talk with him again.

I made a new reading spreadsheet. I like it a lot better than my last one. I still have some tweaking to do but I’m really happy with it.

We also had a ginormous rain / hail storm on the 13th. Even though the storm only lasted for 20 minutes, we got a month’s worth of rain in that single go. It caused all kinds of flooding, including turning a local skate park into a pool. I’ve never seen that much water or hail in my life from just a storm. (Utah is a desert after all.) It was so loud and I was worried the hail was going to break our windows.

I took a video and posted it to Instagram. The video does NOT do the sound and the amount of water and hail justice. It doesn’t really show the flooding in front of our place either. Fortunately, we’re one of half the units in our complex without a basement and a window well. Every unit with a basement and window well flooded with 4-6 inches of water. At the end of the video, you’ll see the hail I picked up and put in my hand. There were a lot larger pieces. The one I picked up was the largest one I could reach without getting pummeled / soaked.

What I Blogged

Here’s what I posted on the blog this week:

What I Read and I’m Reading

I finished reading IRON FLAME by Rebecca Yarros on Friday. I loved it just as much as FOURTH WING and I’m on pins and needles now waiting for ONYX STORM in January.

I also finished the audiobook for THE DUKE AND I by Julia Quinn last night. I actually really enjoyed it. It was a lot like the first season of the Netflix show and I look forward to reading the other books in the series. I’ll be posting my reviews for both books this week.

I’ll start reading A FIRE ENDLESS by Rebecca Ross today. I’m so excited to read this book. I loved its predecessor and can’t wait to see what happens. This evening, I decided that it’s been too long since I read A RIVER ENCHANTED and want to reread it before I start A FIRE ENDLESS. However, when I got my book out, I noticed the binding has ripped and I don’t want it to get worse. I put in an order for binding tape and glue on Amazon and after I fix my book, then I’ll start reading it. For now, I’m starting ARIADNE by Jennifer Saint instead.

I’ll start listening to the audiobook of SUNSET BEACH by Mary Kay Andrews tonight. It seems intriguing. Let’s hope that’s true.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.
What Happened this Week

This week has been a bit slow. I’ve mostly been getting ready for classes to start on the 21st.

What I Blogged

Here’s what I posted on the blog this week:

What I Read and I’m Reading

I listened to the audiobook for BRINGING DOWN THE DUKE by Evie Dunmore. It was a fun historical romance. I’ll be posting my review tomorrow.

I’ve also been reading IRON FLAME by Rebecca Yarros. I’ve had a migraine this week and I can’t read physical books when that happens so I’m only a little over halfway through. I should finish it this week.

I’ll start listening to the audiobook of THE DUKE AND I by Julia Quinn today. It’s the first book in the Bridgerton series, which I’ve been wanting to read for a couple of years now.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.
What Happened this Week

I had a bout of the stomach flu last Sunday afternoon until Monday evening. Thankfully, I’m feeling better now.

I got my hair cut on Wednesday and treated myself to a shake at a cute place called The Dolly Llama.

Corey and I went over to my BFF’s for dinner and a movie on Friday. We ate dinner from a local hamburger joint. We were going to watch a movie after the younger two went to bed, but we bagged it because we ended up talking instead.

I forgot to take my meds Friday night and didn’t sleep a wink. I finally realized at 5am on Saturday and took my meds. I ended up taking a couple of small naps and then went to bed at 5pm.

What I Blogged

Here’s what I posted on the blog this week:

What I Read and I’m Reading

I listened to the audiobook for THE NO-SHOW by Beath O’Leary. I adored it and loved the audiobook as well. Yesterday, I finished listening to WHEN I’M DEAD by Hannah Morrissey just before I went to bed. I really liked it. I think it’s my favorite in the Black Harbor series. I’ll be posting my review sometime this week.

I started reading IRON FLAME by Rebecca Yarros on Thursday. I’ll also find another audiobook to listen to this week. I just need to check Libby.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.
What Happened this Week

I went out to lunch with my BFF on Wednesday. Afterward, we crafted while watching a movie. We’re trying to get together and do this at least once a week.

On Thursday, Corey and I saw the new DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE movie. It was amazing! I especially loved all the cameos. I can’t wait to see it again.

Corey and I also went over to my BFF’s on Friday for dinner and a movie. We had homemade French dip sandwiches and au jus. We watched THE FALL GUY because my BFF and her oldest daughter hadn’t seen it yet.

What I Blogged

Here’s what I posted on the blog this week:

What I Read and I’m Reading

I finished listening to the audiobook for THE WIDOWMAKER by Hannah Morrissey on Friday and reading THE UNWEDDING by Ally Condie last night. I’ll be posting my reviews tomorrow and Wednesday, respectively.

I started listening to the audiobook for THE NO-SHOW by Beth O’Leary on Friday night and I’m going to start reading WHEN I’M DEAD by Hannah Morrissey this week.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.
What Happened this Week

Wednesday was book club. It was our annual “memoir-of-choice” month and it was a lot of fun. We talked about a lot of really interesting memoirs. You can read about it by clicking the link below.

I also went over to my BFF’s on Wednesday before book club. We crafted with both of her daughters and while watching a movie. She’s working on her pattern for a platypus amigurumi and I’m still crocheting plants and flowers for all my planters.

Yesterday, Corey and I drove a couple of hours north to spend the day with his parents. His dad recently had major surgery so we wanted to see how he’s doing / feeling. He’s still sore but he’s improving a little each day.

What I Blogged

Here’s what I posted on the blog this week:

What I Read and I’m Reading

I finished reading FOURTH WING on Wednesday. It was brilliant. I’ll be posting my review tomorrow.

I also finished with the WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING audiobook just last night. I have mixed feelings. I’ll be posting my review on Wednesday.

I started reading THE UNWEDDING by Ally Condie on Thursday and THE WIDOWMAKER by Hannah Morrissey last night.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?