Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’m feeling a bit nervous because I have my Japanese written final tomorrow and my trig final on Tuesday. Wish me luck! I’m also feeling really happy and relieved. My ex-friend and I talked this week and we settled our differences. We’re good now!


I blogged quite a bit this past week. This next week’s going to be just as busy. This week on the blog:


I finished reading STALKING JACK THE RIPPER by Kerri Maniscalco last Sunday evening (review link above). I finished reading DEAR EMMIE BLUE by Lia Louis yesterday during the readathon. I also read and finished THE HORSE AND HIS BOY by CS Lewis during the readathon.

Today’s the first of May and the start of Wyrd & Wonder the Fifth. I’m joining both monthly read-alongs for THE SUMMER TREE by Guy Gavriel Kay and THE DARKEST PART OF THE FOREST by Holly Black. I’m very excited! I haven’t participated in a read-along in years! I’ll also be reading other books for May.


One of my friends sent me the song I’ve been listening to this week about a month ago. It’s called “You Say” by Lauren Daigle. The first time I listened to it, I knew I needed to hear its message.


Corey and I finally started watching Moon Knight on Disney+. It’s such an interesting concept and Oscar Isaac is killing it in the acting department.


I loved spending a few hours of the readathon yesterday with my friends. We went out to eat for lunch and then snuggled up in blankets and lounged around in comfy chairs reading for about four or five hours. It was a lot of fun and leveled up our readathon.


I want to figure out my meds so I don’t always feel so tired. I take quite a few mood stabilizers that do great things for my mood and horrific things to the rest of my body. I’m constantly fighting sleepiness. It’s really hard for me to exercise because I have no energy and my appetite’s all out of whack. Just once, I’d like to have the energy and stamina to stick to something that’ll in turn help me feel better.


I need to thank my classmate who told me about the ACT dry mouth lozenges. One of my medications is giving me dry mouth something fierce. When I was at a school event last week, she told me her dad uses the lozenges. I got some this week and they’ve helped so much.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’ve been feeling a little bit sad again for the past couple of days. Like I said last week, I’ll be graduating DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) in a few weeks. This means I’ll no longer go to group or see my therapist each week. My therapist will still be available if I need him. I just won’t have a set appointment day and time. I kind of feel like a fledgling about to be pushed out of the nest for the first time.


This week on the blog:


I finished reading DREAD NATION by Justina Ireland last Sunday evening. You can read my review by clicking the link above if you want.

I started reading STALKING JACK THE RIPPER by Kerri Maniscalco this week. As I said last week, I’m fascinated by Jack the Ripper and, so far, I’m really enjoying this book. I love the banter between Audrey Rose and Thomas. I also think I know who “Jack the Ripper” is in this fictionalization. I hope to finish the book today.

I checked out DEAR EMMIE BLUE by Lia Louis because of Wendy’s charming review on her blog this week. I’m going to start reading that today, hopefully. Afterward, I’ll read THE HORSE AND HIS BOY for April’s Narniathon21 installment. Hopefully, I can finish both of these before next Sunday. Wish me luck, lol.


Whenever I feel sad, I love listening to “Dragostea Din Tei” or the “Numa Numa” song by O-Zone. I know this is a very polarizing song, lol. You either love it or hate it and I love it. “Dragostea Din Tei” can instantly put me in a good mood when I sing along to it.


I was so excited when I saw that season 5 of The Great Pottery Throwdown was finally available on HBO Max. I love The Great Pottery Throwdown so much and this season was so much fun. I loved all the contestants and enjoyed watching everything they made. My two favorite episodes of this season were 5 and 7. On episode 5 they had to make garden gnomes and on episode 7 they had to make sgraffito wildlife table lamps. I loved AJ’s gnomes and otter table lamp. AJ’s (they/them) style the whole way through the season was just so adorable and quirky. I always looked forward to seeing what they made. There are 10 episodes in total and I watched them all this week.

Corey and I also saw Fantastics Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore on Tuesday for my birthday. I really enjoyed it. I thought Mads Mikkelsen did a great job as Grindelwald. I really loved the story. If all the controversy surrounding the series kills the franchise, I think the ending was done in a way to give fans some closure. However, I look forward to the next installment if there is one.


I love my nails. I got my first mani-pedi in almost 6 months yesterday. It’s one of my favorite things to do in the spring, summer, and fall. (I usually take a break in the winter to help save some money.) I love wearing sandals, but only if my toenails look nice. Last year, I discovered as I was going through DBT that manis and pedis move me closer to one of my values and help me build a life worth living.


I’m not sure I want to take any classes this summer. I know it’s good for me to stay busy. I also know school moves me closer to several values and help me build a life worth living. I just feel a little worn out after this semester with being as ill as I was for almost a month. Maybe taking the summer off would be good for me or maybe I need to suck it up and take the one class I was planning to.


I need to do really well on my trig final because I bombed my last test and got an 83% on the previous one. My teacher drops our lowest test score. I was hoping to do well on this last test so I could drop my 83%, but yeah. I got formulas mixed up and made really dumb mistakes. I was also pressed for time. Hopefully, I do well on the final.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

I’ve been learning in DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) that life is full of dialectics, or two opposing truths. In this case, the two opposing truths are: 1) I don’t agree with JKR’s stance regarding trans people, and 2) I still love and will always love Harry Potter.

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I was feeling a little bit sad on Thursday and Friday. I’m pretty sure it was because I hadn’t hung out with any of my friends for about a month. (I need to be around people other than my husband every once in a while.) And, when I tried to set up a lunch for my and another friend’s birthday this month with my friends (going to lunch is our tradition), I only got a response from two people; there are seven of us. I felt sad that the others didn’t make more of an effort. I know people have their own lives and they can’t always do things with friends. I just wish they had at least responded.


This week on the blog:


I finished reading A RIVER ENCHANTED by Rebecca Ross this week. I actually stayed up until 4am last Sunday night.

I’m now reading DREAD NATION by Justina Ireland. It’s very interesting and eye-opening. I’m about 75% of the way through it. I’ll finish it today.

Tomorrow, I’ll start reading STALKING JACK THE RIPPER by Kerri Maniscalco. I’m so excited! I’m fascinated by Jack the Ripper and I’ve been wanting to read this book ever since it was published.


I’ve been listening to “Singing with the Wolves” by Anica. I discovered it while Corey was watching something on TikTok. It was playing in the background and I instantly fell in love with it.


I haven’t been watching anything new this week. I’ve just been watching my weekly episodes of Spring Baking Championship, Domino Masters, Masterchef Junior, and Star Trek: Picard.

The wait between episodes for Star Trek: Picard kills me every week! This season is so amazing.

I’m thinking about watching Roar on AppleTV+. It looks intriguing. I just want to spend more time reading and since this month is crazy with school work because the semester’s almost over, I’m being more selfish with my freetime.


Last week I said I loved my new hair color, but didn’t post a picture because I didn’t have one. I have one now. I thought I’d share it this week. This is my new profile picture everywhere and I love it.


I want Corey to know how much I love him. He knows my birthday’s very important to me. We can’t afford to do much this year and what he did means the world to me. I thought we were just going to celebrate by going to see the new Fantastic Beasts movie on Tuesday, which is my actual birthday. We still are and that would’ve been just fine if we had only done that. However, he also organized a small party yesterday with our really good friends and their kids (more family than friends). We had pizza and dessert and played games. It was the best way to celebrate my birthday.


I need to get out more. This semester has been hard because it’s been online and isolating. I’m glad my classes in the fall are going to be in person. Until school starts in the fall and even while I’m in school, I think I need to get a part-time job so I have a reason to leave the house for a few hours each day/week. I’ll be graduating from my DBT therapy in four weeks so I won’t be doing that twice a week anymore. Maybe, I can get a job at Barnes & Noble or the local library. That would be awesome.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’m feeling a little bit tired. I haven’t been sleeping very well lately for some reason. I’m not sure why.


This week on the blog:


I’m still reading my February Book of the Month pick–A RIVER ENCHANTED by Rebecca Ross. I’m about halfway through it. I haven’t had much time to read this week. When I do read, I don’t want to put this book down. So far, I love it so much!


While I was listening to my “Faves” playlist in the car this week, Daft Punk’s “Instant Crush” came on. I always forget how much I really love that song. Corey turned me on to Daft Punk some years ago and this is my favorite song of theirs.


I found another show on Netflix that is amazing. It’s called School of Chocolate. I follow Amaury Guichon on Instagram and think he’s an amazing chocolatier and pastry chef. I love seeing what he does with chocolate. When I found out that School of Chocolate was him teaching other chefs how to do what he does, I couldn’t pass it up. Even if you don’t watch the Netflix show, you should check out his artwork on Instagram.


I love my new hair color. It turned out darker than I expected, but I love how it looks in the sunlight. Unfortunately, I haven’t been feeling well again this weekend so I haven’t had a chance to take a picture yet. I’ll get one and share.


I want this semester to be over. I only have three more weeks and it feels like this has been the longest semester of my life, lol.


I need to convince Corey it’s still too cold to turn the AC on. It’s so cold in our house. I’ve been wearing sweatshirts and sweatpants, cuddling up under blankets and with my cats, and I’m still freezing, lol. The funny thing is I used to get hot like him, but not anymore. Maybe he has thyroid issues like I did.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’m feeling really good about most things right now. My health continues to improve. My procedures on Monday went well. I’m just waiting for the results from the biopsies. I did find out that I have inflammation in my stomach lining and that’s what caused me to vomit blood. It’s not an ulcer yet. My doctors have increased the dosage of my heartburn/acid reflux medication to help calm the irritation down.

I also got caught up in my math class this week. I was behind because of being so sick. I’m working on getting caught up in my Japanese class. Hopefully, I’ll be caught up by the end of this coming week.


This week on the blog:


I barely finished THE SILVER CHAIR by CS Lewis on March 31 so I could count it as a March read. I’m finally going to start reading my February Book of the Month pick today–A RIVER ENCHANTED by Rebecca Ross. I’m excited to read it!


In honor of Corey and I finishing binge-watching How I Met Your Mother, I thought I’d share “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by the Proclaimers even though everyone knows this song. If you’ve ever seen HIMYM, then you know why. If you don’t like this song, just keep on listening. It’ll come around.


As I said above, Corey and I finished binge-watching How I Met Your Mother this week. It was LEGEN-wait-for-it-DARY! Now, we’re going to watch the first season of How I Met Your Father and see if we like it at all.

I also found another cooking competition on Netflix that’s really fun. It’s called Baking Impossible. It teams up a pastry chef with an engineer and they have to bake/build these really awesome feats. They’ve had to build a sailboat, robot, chain reaction machine, costume, mini golf course, skyscraper, vehicle, and bridge. All of them edible and all of them have to pass stress tests. For example, the sailboat had to sail across a small waterway within 45 seconds to not fail. I only have one episode left and it’s been really fun.


I love how the bookmark I made for my IRL book club turned out. I unveiled it this week and I was so excited to share it in my Upcoming Book Club Picks post (link above).


I want the 19th to get here quickly because it’s my birthday and I love celebrating my birthday, lol.


I need the weather to quit being bipolar and pick spring instead of winter. It’s time for the sun and warmer weather all the time or most of the time!

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?