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Evaluating My 2023 Goals

Can you believe 2023 ends tomorrow night? I feel like this year flew by! Anyway, I thought I’d evaluate my 2023 reading goals. Last December, I made three bookish goals. They are:

  • Read at least 24 books.
  • Read 50% of my book club books.
  • Read 50% of my Book of the Month (BOTM) books.

I’ve kept track of my reading on my 2023 Reads page.

Yearly Goal

My goal for the year was to read 24 books and I read 12.

My favorite book was MEET ME AT THE LAKE by Carley Fortune. My least favorite book was THE CHRISTMAS MURDER GAME by Alexandra Benedict. I didn’t hate it; I just didn’t love it either.

Reading Stats

New Reads: 9

Rereads: 3

Pages Read: 5,070


Own: 4

Library: 1

Borrowed: 7


Hard Cover: 0

Paperback: 1

Kindle: 2

Audio: 9

Age Group

Adult: 6

Young Adult: 4

Middle Grade: 0

N/A: 2


0 – 99: 0

100 – 249: 2

250 – 499: 7

500 – 999: 3

1000+: 0

Primary Reason Read

Book Club: 2

Personal Interest: 10

Primary Genre

Contemporary: 3

Fantasy: 3

Mystery/Thriller: 2

Non-Fiction: 3

Science Fiction: 1

IRL Book Club

I made a goal to read at least 50% of my IRL book club books this year. I read 2 out of 12. Here are the books I read:

Book of the Month

I made a goal to read 50% of the books I got from BOTM. I read zero out of 12 books.

Conclusion and 2024 Goals

I had an abysmal reading year and didn’t accomplish any goals. Next year, I’d like to read more and, hopefully, my goals will help me. My goals for 2024 are:

  • Read at least 30 books.
  • Read 50% of my book club books.
  • Read at least 15 Book of the Month (BOTM) books in 2024.

I’ll keep track of my progress over on my 2024 Reads page.

How did you do on your goals this year? What are your goals for 2024?

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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8 replies
  1. Literary Feline
    Literary Feline says:

    You had a lot on your plate this past year and that you managed to read 12 books is awesome. I wish you luck with your 2024 goals! I haven’t settled on mine yet. They will probably be similar to last years. I like to set my Goodreads Challenge goal exceptionally low. It’s not something I take very seriously or make much of a challenge out of, to be honest. It’s just fun to see how much over 100% I can go. 🙂

  2. Louise
    Louise says:

    I know how it goes when you set reading goals that seem fun at the start of the year but by the end of it seem out of reach. Some years are just like that — abysmal, as you put it! I think you’re right, that having your goal posts at a more sensible level this year will be a great way to lessen the pressure and help keep reading more enjoyable. Hoping you have a lovely year ahead of you!


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