This month was almost a bust in terms of reading like May was because of stress, school, and I got COVID. Fortunately, around the middle of the month, I got my reading mojo back, which is nice. I’ve really missed reading and it’s been nice to just sit, relax, and read, especially with everything that’s been going on.

My favorite book was THE MIDNIGHT LIBRARY by Matt Haig. In fact, it’s now my favorite book this year. I loved everything I read so I don’t have a least favorite book this month.

Books Read
Books Reviewed


Books Read: 3

Pages Read: 949

Average Rating: 4.5


Books Read: 23

Pages Read: 7,521

Average Rating: 4.07

July Plans

How did your June go? What are your plans for July?

This month was kind of a bust in terms of reading. My anxiety and anhedonia took center-stage with everything going on right now. For those of you who don’t know, Corey and I are selling our place, I graduated from therapy, and I started a new semester. It’s been a stressful month to say the least. Anyway, I didn’t really start reading anything until the last week of the month and I didn’t really read as much as I was reading before. I’m glad I did read, though. Hopefully, June will be better.

Since it was the only book I read, my favorite book was THE LOVE HYPOTHESIS by Ali Hazelwood. It’s a good thing I really loved it.

Books Read
Books Reviewed


Books Read: 1

Pages Read: 352

Average Rating: 4.5


Books Read: 20

Pages Read: 6,572

Average Rating: 4.00

June Plans

How did your May go? What are your plans for June?

This is probably going to be really funny to my readers and I guess you’ll get to see how my brain works a little bit. Anyway, I’ve never read this many books in a year up to this point before and I realized if I pushed myself and read five books this month, I’d finish my 19th book in April. Why is this such a big deal? Well, if you know me IRL or you’ve been following my blog at all this month, then you know my birthday is April 19, and I thought it’d be kind of fun to read my 19th book in April just for funsies. I’m happy to report that I finished my 19th book during Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon on April 30th!

My favorite book I read in April was DEAR EMMIE BLUE by Lia Louis, followed very closely by A RIVER ENCHANTED by Rebecca Ross. My least favorite book was THE HORSE AND HIS BOY by CS Lewis.

Books Read
Books Reviewed


Books Read: 5

Pages Read: 1,808

Average Rating: 4.1


Books Read: 19

Pages Read: 6,191

Average Rating: 3.97

May Plans

How did your April go? What are your plans for May? Mine are quite ambitious because I’m participating in Wyrd & Wonder and Bout of Books.

My reading momentum slowed down a little bit this month because I was sick for most of it. At least I read what counted. I finished THE SOUND OF STARS by Alechia Dow, which was one of my picks for Black History Month in February. (Better late than never, right?) I also read my March book club book, my Unofficial Trim book, and the next installment in the Narniad for the Narniathon21. Even though I didn’t get to my Book of the Month book, I still feel like March was a successful reading month.

My favorite book I read in March was FANGIRL by Rainbow Rowell and I guess my least favorite book was THE SILVER CHAIR by CS Lewis.

Books Read
Books Reviewed


Books Read: 4

Pages Read: 1,607

Average Rating: 3.875


Books Read: 14

Pages Read: 4,383

Average Rating: 3.93

April Plans

How did your March go? What are your plans for April?

My reading momentum is still going strong. I didn’t read as many books in February as I did in January because of school and a little bit of anhedonia, but I managed at least one book per week which is really good for me. Unfortunately, I didn’t finish my Black History Month pick or get to my February Book of the Month pick. I’ll have to read them in March if I can.

My favorite book I read in February was ROCK PAPER SCISSORS by Alice Feeney. My least favorite book was TO ALL THE BOYS I’VE LOVED BEFORE by Jenny Han because of the non-ending and love triangle.

Books Read
Books Reviewed


Books Read: 4

Pages Read: 1,100

Average Rating: 3.875


Books Read: 10

Pages Read: 2,776

Average Rating: 3.95

March Plans

How did your February go? What are your plans for March?