
Bout of Books 33 Signup

Bout of Books is a week-long readathon held every January, May, and August. It’s low-pressure. There are optional reading sprints, Twitter chats, and Instagram challenges.

Nothing like waiting to the last minute to decide, but I’m joining the Bout of Books readathon from January 3rd to 9th. I’ve been toying with the idea of participating for about a month now. Since school doesn’t start again until January 10th, I decided that Bout of Books would be a great way to jump start my reading for 2022.

I’m hoping that I’ll be able to read my Unofficial Trim Challenge book, ANXIOUS PEOPLE by Frederik Backman, and start my IRL book club book, KEEP MOVING: NOTES ON LOSS, CREATIVITY, AND CHANGE by Maggie Smith. I may read some of my January PBT book as well, HOW TO: ABSURD SCIENTIFIC ADVICE FOR COMMON REAL-WORLD PROBLEMS by Randall Munroe.

Are you going to join in the fun? What are you planning to read?

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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6 replies
  1. Cheryl
    Cheryl says:

    Thank you for stopping by my place. I was also debating to sign up for #boutofbooks but since I had an awful 2021 of reading I plan to try and join as many read-a-thons as I can so that maybe it will hold me accountable and end the major slump I have been in. I also purchased an app that I enjoy using, Bookly, which will remind me that I haven’t read in a certain amount of days 🙂
    Good luck!!! I will be stopping back to see how you are doing with the Read-A-Thon!
    Fingers crossed that we start 2022 with #boutofbooks and it will jump start our reading!!!!!!

  2. Shirley
    Shirley says:

    I’ve participated in Bob every year since it started and this one still snuck up on me. Hope BoB is just the thing you need to jumpstart your 2022 reading goals! Thanks for stopping by Creative Deeds Reads. 😉


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