Entries by Jenni Elyse

A Hiatus

This past week has been difficult. Not only am I still dealing with the pain in my arm, I’m now also dealing with hives all over my body. We’re not sure what’s causing the hives. It could be the turmeric I was taking to help the inflammation in my arm. It could be ibuprofen or […]

Top Ten Tuesday #39

Favorite Unlikeable Characters I Can’t Help Love This week’s prompt is “Favorite ‘Awww’ Moments in Books” and I was going to try doing it. I realized I can’t remember enough details in most of the books I’ve read to come up with anything that fits the prompt. Going rogue seems like the best option. I […]

Sunday News #43

Feeling I’m feeling much better. Someone recommended I take turmeric to help with the inflammation in my arm. I bought some pills on Monday and my pain lessened about 80% of what it was by Tuesday evening. Honestly, I don’t know if turmeric’s the cause or if it’s just coincidence. I’ll take it, though! Because […]

Book Blogger Hop #5

Today’s Question(s) is … Which do you prefer to be known as: a voracious reader or a book nerd? My Answer(s) is … Honestly, I’m okay with either. However, I don’t read nearly as many books as most book bloggers because I’m a slow reader. Because of that, some people may not think I qualify […]