May 2022 Monthly Wrap-up

This month was kind of a bust in terms of reading. My anxiety and anhedonia took center-stage with everything going on right now. For those of you who don’t know, Corey and I are selling our place, I graduated from therapy, and I started a new semester. It’s been a stressful month to say the least. Anyway, I didn’t really start reading anything until the last week of the month and I didn’t really read as much as I was reading before. I’m glad I did read, though. Hopefully, June will be better.

Since it was the only book I read, my favorite book was THE LOVE HYPOTHESIS by Ali Hazelwood. It’s a good thing I really loved it.

Books Read
Books Reviewed


Books Read: 1

Pages Read: 352

Average Rating: 4.5


Books Read: 20

Pages Read: 6,572

Average Rating: 4.00

June Plans

How did your May go? What are your plans for June?

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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16 replies
  1. Wendy
    Wendy says:

    Selling a house and moving is just so stressful. I’ve sold 5 homes and moved about 30 times in my life, and it was always stressful. Exciting too! but also stressful. I hope you feel better in June and are able to read a bit more.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      This is the second time Corey and I’ve sold our house. I don’t remember selling our house before being so stressful. Ha! I remember moving being stressful since I’ve moved over 20 times in my lifetime and I’ve hated every on of them. 🫣

  2. Margaret
    Margaret says:

    It’s about the quality and not the quantity. I’m glad that you enjoyed the book you read. That’s important! With all the other stresses going on, it would be hard to find the time or concentration.

  3. Anne@HeadFullofBooks
    Anne@HeadFullofBooks says:

    I, too, was reading-challenged in May and barely read anything until the last week. Twins? I have to stop comparing myself to other bloggers who always seem to be able read so many books each month. Graduated from therapy? What happens is you need fine-tuning? Is there a plan for that? Take care of yourself.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Yep, it sounds like we’re twins this past month. 🙂 There are plans for fine-tuning. Basically, I don’t have group or a set appointment each week. Now, I just ask for a booster session when I need one. It works nicely.

  4. Lindsey @ Lindsey Reads
    Lindsey @ Lindsey Reads says:

    It’s definitely fine to focus on other important things and read a bit less – it’s a hobby and should be enjoyable. And it’s great that you loved your read! Hope your June will be less stressful. Your June plans also look amazing – I’ve read and loved both Where The Crawdads Sing and Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda, hope you will too. Hope you’ll have an amazing June


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