June 2022-Book Club

My IRL book club met on Wednesday evening to discuss June’s book. We met in-person and discussed THE MIDNIGHT LIBRARY by Matt Haig. There were six of us who met together and five of us read the book. Here are some highlights of our discussion:

  • Everyone who read the book liked the premise and message.
  • A couple of people thought the book was predictable, but it didn’t change what they thought about it.
  • One person thought it was preachy, but it wasn’t hit-you-over-the-head preachy.
  • All of us who read the book are still thinking about it. We all think it’s a book that will stay with us for a long time.
  • I was the only one who felt Matt Haig wrote it about and for me.
  • View Spoiler »
  • A couple people said they had to suspend belief while reading about Nora’s experiences because they don’t think she’d be able to just jump into a life as easily as she seemed to.
  • After our discussion, the person who didn’t read it said she wasn’t going to read it. She said it sounded too preachy, even though the person who said it was told her it wasn’t a bad preachy.

This was a really interesting book club. We had a lot of great discussion about regret, living life fully rather than passively, and making life enjoyable. I love books like THE MIDNIGHT LIBRARY because whether you liked the book or not, its subject matter always encourages a lively exchange.

Next month, we’re all choosing a memoir to read. During our July meetup we’ll review each memoir. I hope this will be fun and garner a lot of discussion. Right now, I’m leaning toward reading:

  • AS YOU WISH by Cary Elwes,
  • TASTE by Stanley Tucci,
  • BECOMING by Michelle Obama,
  • FAILURE IS AN OPTION by H. Jon Benjamin,
  • GIRLS CAN KISS NOW by Jill Gutowitz, or

Have you read any of these memoirs? Which one do you think I should read? Or, do you recommend I read another one instead?

Anyway, have you read THE MIDNIGHT LIBRARY? If so, what do you think about my book club’s discussion about it?

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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14 replies
  1. Greg
    Greg says:

    What an interesting book! I’ve seen some good things about it and I like stories like that too, that explore other possibilities and other lives and all that stuff.

    I think the Cary Elwes or Tucci sound fabulous.

  2. Margaret
    Margaret says:

    I’ve heard some of the same negatives and positives as you discussed in your BC. I value the opinions and discussion nearly as much as I do the book itself. In fact, there have been times I’ve hated the book but enjoyed the discussion or come away with a lot to think about. I very much enjoyed “Becoming” which is the only one of those I’ve read. Anne (Head Full of Books) and I then saw Michelle Obama at the Tacoma Dome with her family. It was delightful.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      I agree. I enjoy book club discussions where not everyone likes the book. I also like the discussions for books I don’t like because it helps me see other perspectives. 😀

      I’m glad you loved Becoming. I think I’d like it. I just need to see if I can easily get a copy if I decide to read it next month. That’s so awesome that you and Anne met her and the whole family. I’d love to meet the Obamas. He was my favorite president. I miss him.

  3. Wendy
    Wendy says:

    I liked the way you summed up the feelings of your book club members. I didn’t think it was preachy at all, I thought it was more helpful. I don’t read many memoirs, but I’ve heard the Stanley Tucci book and Michelle Obama ones were great. And, I’ve heard great things about the Jenny Lawson book.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      I agree. I didn’t think it was preachy either. 😀 Thanks for the encouragement on the Stanley Tucci, Michelle Obama, and Jenny Lawson memoirs. I don’t read many memoirs either.

  4. Elyse
    Elyse says:

    Again, I loved The Midnight Library! I didn’t find it overly preachy.

    Taste was good, better on audio than physically reading. The recipes contained aren’t anything special, to me at least. Becoming was AMAZING. And I also loved As You Wish!! I Am Malala would be another great choice, it was so impactful.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      I’m like you. I didn’t find THE MIDNIGHT LIBRARY overly preachy either. I guess the person in my book club who’s not going to read it will just miss out. 😉

      Thanks for the feedback on the memoirs. I’ve wanted to read I AM MALALA. That’s on my TBR. I don’t know why I didn’t list it. I’m glad to hear BECOMING was amazing. I really love the Obamas.

  5. Karen
    Karen says:

    I’m glad I saw this post. I want to read this based on your rec but I forget lol

    I have a 4 month trial for audible and this book is one I can get with my free credit. So next month this is my pick. (I had already picked Trevor Noah’s)

    Next month’s discussion sounds like it will be a fun one. Becoming was my favorite book of the year when I read it. The audio, especially, is amazing.

    Karen @For What It’s Worth

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      I’m glad this helped remind you. I really hope you enjoy this as much as I did. I love Trevor Noah and his book is amazing, so I’m glad you got it on Audible. Thanks for the recommendation for BECOMING. 😀

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