Feeling I was feeling a little bit sad on Thursday and Friday. I’m pretty sure it was because I hadn’t hung out with any of my friends for about a month. (I need to be around people other than my husband every once in a while.) And, when I tried to set up a lunch […]

As I said in my review of NINE PERFECT STRANGERS, I was really excited to read the book because I love Liane Moriarty. I ended up really liking the book. I connected strongly with a few of the characters and I thought Moriarty did a great job of writing about depression, suicide, suicidal ideation, grief, […]

I’m so glad I chose A RIVER ENCHANTED as my February Book of the Month choice. As soon as I started to read the story of Cadence and its inhabitants, I was hooked. When I was reading A RIVER ENCHANTED, I didn’t want to put it down and I couldn’t stop thinking about it in […]

Authors I Haven’t Read but I Want to This week’s prompt is a fun one. There are so many authors I haven’t read yet and want to. I could probably create a part 2, 3, 4, and 5 to this post. Narrowing down this list was really hard, but I did it. Here are my […]

Feeling I’m feeling a little bit tired. I haven’t been sleeping very well lately for some reason. I’m not sure why. Blogging This week on the blog: Reading I’m still reading my February Book of the Month pick–A RIVER ENCHANTED by Rebecca Ross. I’m about halfway through it. I haven’t had much time to read […]