Books I Put on my TBR Because the Covers are Purple This week’s prompt is “Books with [___] on the Cover” and it comes with instructions. They are: Pick a thing (a color, an item, a place, an animal, a scripty font, a sexy person, etc.) and share covers that have that thing on the […]

Feeling I’ve been feeling a little bit sad again for the past couple of days. Like I said last week, I’ll be graduating DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) in a few weeks. This means I’ll no longer go to group or see my therapist each week. My therapist will still be available if I need him. […]

My IRL book club met on Wednesday evening to discuss April’s book. We met in-person and it was fun to get out and see people. We discussed DREAD NATION by Justina Ireland. There were eight of us who met together and all of us read the book. Here are some highlights of our discussion: We […]

Bookish Presents I’d Like for My Birthday This week’s prompt is “Bookish Merchandise I’d Like to Own.” This is a really fun prompt and I’ll do it when there’s another freebie week. I’m changing things up this week because today’s my birthday! If you know me IRL, then you know my birthday’s my favorite day […]

DREAD NATION was my IRL book club’s pick for April. I was really excited to read it as I’ve wanted to ever since I first heard about it. A zombie apocalypse during the Civil War? Yes, please. A strong black female character fighting to not only survive the dead, but also for freedom from the […]