Entries by Jenni Elyse

Let’s Talk Bookish #1

Today’s Question(s) is … How do you feel about unhauling books? Do you get rid of books often? Or do you hold on to every book you buy? How do you decide which books to get rid of? Are there any books you would never get rid of? My Answer(s) is … I’ve gotten rid […]

Top Ten Tuesday #30

Books I Love that were Written Over 10 Years Ago I think this week’s prompt is “Books I Love that were Written Over 10 Years Ago.” As bloggers, I think we tend to focus on the more recently published books when there are so many other awesome books written a long time ago (in a […]


Bout of Books 35 Progress

Bout of Books 35 is finally here! With everything that’s happened in the last month and a half, my reading has slowed way down. I’m really excited to get my reading on this week! During the week as I participate in Bout of Books, I’ll keep track of my progress on this post. At the […]

Sunday News #31

Feeling I’m slowly feeling less broken-hearted. I still miss Dax, obviously. I’m just really glad she’s no longer in pain. I’m also feeling much better about my eyesight. My vision’s still fluctuating a bit, but not as bad as it was in the beginning now that I’m no longer taking antibiotic and steroid drops. Blogging […]

Top Ten Tuesday #29

Books Linked to Specific Memories or Moments in My Life This week’s actual prompt is “Hilarious Book Titles,” which didn’t really interest me. I don’t really read comedic books. I’m not opposed to them or anything; I just choose to read other things. I’ve decided to do an old prompt I didn’t have the chance […]