Entries by Jenni Elyse

Top Ten Tuesday #45

Reasons I Loved Remarkably Bright Creatures This week’s theme is a fun one, I think. It’s “Ten Things I Loved About [___]” and it comes with instructions. They are to pick a book title. It didn’t take me long to figure out which book I wanted to gush about. REMARKABLY BRIGHT CREATURES is my favorite […]

Sunday News #60

What Happened this Week I’ve decided to change up my Sunday News posts. I’ve realized how much I disliked trying to think of something to share in each category every week. Anyway, this week has been kind of quiet. I spent some time with my BFF. Her birthday was Thursday. Corey and I went to […]

Before I Blogged: Dragon Prince Trilogy

I recently reread the Dragon Prince trilogy by Melanie Rawn. Here are my original reviews of each book: Dragon Prince: June 9, 2008 During lunch today, I finished reading DRAGON PRINCE by Melanie Rawn. This is the first book in the Dragon Prince trilogy. Becky, one of my co-workers, recommended it to me and I’m glad she did because DRAGON PRINCE has […]