Top Ten Tuesday #25

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the Second Half of 2022

Another prompt that’s hard for me because I don’t really pay attention to release dates unless they’re books I’m REALLY looking forward to. With that being said, here are ten six books I’m looking forward to releasing later this year:

What about you? Which books are you anticipating later this year? Do we have any in common?

I learned in DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) that life is full of dialectics, or two opposing truths. In this case, the two opposing truths are: 1) I don’t agree with JKR’s stance regarding trans people, and 2) I still love Harry Potter.

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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  1. Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books)
    Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books) says:

    My audiobook request for CHAMBER OF SECRETS came in today and I had to postpone delivery because I’m in the middle of another audiobook. I’m really enjoying listening to HP on audiobook. It’s slow going, though, since I have to wait for them at the library. I’m super tempted to buy my own copies of the audiobooks so I can listen to them whenever I want to!

    Happy TTT!


    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      When I listened to the audiobooks of Harry Potter, I used my library too. I finally bought them on Audible because I was sick of waiting, lol. I’m glad you’re enjoying rereading the series. 😀

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      The cover is pretty, isn’t it? I really like the look of the new books. 😀 I hate that they don’t match my others, though. And, I can’t get rid of the original three because they’re signed. Oh well. #firstworldproblems

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      The cover is gorgeous, isn’t it? I really like the look of the new books. 😀 I hate that they don’t match my others, though. And, I can’t get rid of the original three because they’re signed. Oh well. #firstworldproblems

      I loved the first three books so much. I still haven’t read WINTERKEEP yet, but I want to. If you love fantasy, then I’d give these books a go.

  2. Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies
    Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies says:

    I’m with you on the JKR problem — I really don’t want to support her personally, and yet I must have that new HP book! I’ve only read one of the Lady Janie books, but I’m hoping to catch up and get to the Marys too! Hope you enjoy all of these!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Exactly. I don’t think we all should stop loving Harry Potter just because JKR turned out to be a TERF. The world is full of dialectics. 😀

      I’ve also only read one Lady Janie book, but I adored it and I know I’ll love the others just as much. 😀

  3. Louise Hallett
    Louise Hallett says:

    What a great selection of books. I’ve tried graphic novels but they didn’t appeal. Given that I DON’T form images in my head as I read, you would think picture books would improve my experience, but I enjoy being involved in the emotions of the book instead.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      I’m also not a huge fan of graphic novels. I prefer the detailed descriptions and emotions I feel when I read the written word. And, I did unexpectedly love the first DUNE graphic novel so I’m still going to get this new one. 😀

  4. Jen at Introverted Reader
    Jen at Introverted Reader says:

    The Graceling books have such gorgeous covers now. I accidentally read Winterkeep before Bitterblue so I need to go back and fill in the gap. And the illustrated HP books are gorgeous, though I haven’t bought any (yet). I like the way you address Rowling and HP. It’s hard to know what to say but you handle it well. I hope you enjoy these when you read them!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      The covers are gorgeous, aren’t they? 😀 I hate that they don’t match my others, though, and I can’t get rid of the original three because they’re signed. Oh well. #firstworldproblems

      I haven’t read WINTERKEEP yet so I’m not sure how that would affect not having read BITTERBLUE. I do love the original three and I’m pretty sure I’ll love these next two just as much.

      Yes, it is hard to know what to say regarding JKR. And, I don’t think we all should stop loving Harry Potter just because she turned out to be a TERF. The world is full of dialectics. 😀

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      I know, right?! I’m so excited for A FIRE ENDLESS. The ending of A RIVER ENCHANTED nearly killed me, lol. 😀

      And, I agree that SEASPARROW’s cover is beautiful. I really like the new Graceling covers a lot. I hate that they don’t match my others, though, and I can’t get rid of the original three because they’re signed. Oh well. #firstworldproblems

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