Sunday News #65

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.
What Happened this Week

This week has been a little hectic. Thankfully, my migraine was gone by Monday afternoon. I’ve had some minor headaches since but I think it’s because I keep clenching my jaw due to stress without realizing I’m doing it. I tried using a mouth guard and it gave me a worse headache. I’ll have to figure something else out, I guess.

I still had some things to do to get ready for school starting this Wednesday. Fortunately, I’m ready now and excited about my classes.

My BFF’s son’s birthday was the 14th so Corey and I went over to their house for his birthday party. He turned 4 and it was fun watching him interact with all the people and his excitement over his gifts.

I met with my new old therapist on Thursday. “New” because he’s not my DBT therapist I had been seeing since 2021, and “old” because he was my therapist before I moved to DBT. It was nice to talk with him again.

I made a new reading spreadsheet. I like it a lot better than my last one. I still have some tweaking to do but I’m really happy with it.

We also had a ginormous rain / hail storm on the 13th. Even though the storm only lasted for 20 minutes, we got a month’s worth of rain in that single go. It caused all kinds of flooding, including turning a local skate park into a pool. I’ve never seen that much water or hail in my life from just a storm. (Utah is a desert after all.) It was so loud and I was worried the hail was going to break our windows.

I took a video and posted it to Instagram. The video does NOT do the sound and the amount of water and hail justice. It doesn’t really show the flooding in front of our place either. Fortunately, we’re one of half the units in our complex without a basement and a window well. Every unit with a basement and window well flooded with 4-6 inches of water. At the end of the video, you’ll see the hail I picked up and put in my hand. There were a lot larger pieces. The one I picked up was the largest one I could reach without getting pummeled / soaked.

What I Blogged

Here’s what I posted on the blog this week:

What I Read and I’m Reading

I finished reading IRON FLAME by Rebecca Yarros on Friday. I loved it just as much as FOURTH WING and I’m on pins and needles now waiting for ONYX STORM in January.

I also finished the audiobook for THE DUKE AND I by Julia Quinn last night. I actually really enjoyed it. It was a lot like the first season of the Netflix show and I look forward to reading the other books in the series. I’ll be posting my reviews for both books this week.

I’ll start reading A FIRE ENDLESS by Rebecca Ross today. I’m so excited to read this book. I loved its predecessor and can’t wait to see what happens. This evening, I decided that it’s been too long since I read A RIVER ENCHANTED and want to reread it before I start A FIRE ENDLESS. However, when I got my book out, I noticed the binding has ripped and I don’t want it to get worse. I put in an order for binding tape and glue on Amazon and after I fix my book, then I’ll start reading it. For now, I’m starting ARIADNE by Jennifer Saint instead.

I’ll start listening to the audiobook of SUNSET BEACH by Mary Kay Andrews tonight. It seems intriguing. Let’s hope that’s true.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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28 replies
  1. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
    Deb Nance at Readerbuzz says:

    I hope the start of school goes smoothly, and I hope your migraines diminish. It’s great that you are enjoying the Rebecca Yarros series. Usually we experience a lot of rain in August, but we have a heat dome over us right now—good for protecting us from hurricanes, so there’s that!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Deb! 😀 I really appreciate that.

      Sorry to hear about the heat dome other than it keeping hurricanes away. The rain we’ve had this week is definitely not typical for August here and it’s been the first really break from 100°+ heat.

  2. Nicky @ The Bibliophibian
    Nicky @ The Bibliophibian says:

    I really need to get back to/finish A River EnchantedA Fire Endless is the sequel to that, isn’t it? I liked it, I just got distracted, whooops.

    I used to clench my teeth quite a bit. I did this… exercise/practice thing with holding a pencil in my mouth and not biting down on it, and man, it was infuriating and I was always glad to stop, but somehow it did help and I naturally hold my jaw a lot more relaxed now.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      A FIRE ENDLESS is the sequel to A RIVER ENCHANTED. I’m really excited to read it. I absolutely adored A RIVER ENCHANTED. I hope that you will to when you get back to it! 😀

      Thanks for the clenching teeth advice. I’ll definitely give it a try. How long did you leave the pen in your mouth for? Did you do it mostly when you noticed you were clenching your teeth?

  3. Roberta R.
    Roberta R. says:

    Sorry to hear your health hasn’t been the best…I hope you figure out how to alleviate your migraines/headaches.

    I love spreadsheets LOL – I can get ridiculously excited when I make one and/or fill/move things around in one. One of my favourite procrastinating activities 😂.

    Wow, that’s some serious hail. Italy has had its shares of bad weather and even disasters lately, but thankfully, not in my area. I mean, I’m so ready for this blasted summer to be over, but I would like some nice and well-behaved rain, please and thank you.

    Good luck with your new school year!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Roberta! 😀 I really appreciate that.

      I also love spreadsheets. I used to work with them a lot at work and knew Excel inside and out. After I quit my job, I just stopped doing all the cool stuff I could with it. My old reading spreadsheet was nice and kept and gave me the information I wanted. But, my new spreadsheet is now more like a form and powerful charting tool. 😀

      I’m glad you haven’t been affected why the weather happening in Italy. It’s always worrisome when it’s so close to home!

  4. Haze @ The Book Haze
    Haze @ The Book Haze says:

    Oh wow, that hail! We had hail a couple of weeks ago too but luckily it didn’t hit us too hard. The other neighborhoods had it bad though! Migraines are terrible, I’m sorry that you’ve been having them, I hope you find something that helps. Have a wonderful week, Jenni!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Haze! 😀 I really appreciate that.

      I feel like hail happens way more often than it used to. I’m sure it all has to do with climate change. It’s just interesting to see the effects. I’m glad you weren’t too affected why the hail happening in your neck of the woods. It’s always worrisome when it’s so close to home!

  5. Cindy's Book Corner
    Cindy's Book Corner says:

    That is an insane amount of rain at one time! Glad your migraine is gone and you didn’t have to deal with flooding. It sounds like a good reading week. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  6. Margaret
    Margaret says:

    Lots of great stuff going on and in the future. I’m glad you’re excited about school. My oldest grandson was accepted into Transitional Kindergarten (what we used to call Pre-K) and it will be a huge change and challenge for the family. The hours are not great for working people. He gets out at 2:30. I watched the video and was shocked by the size of the hail. I wouldn’t want to be out walking in that, dedicated though I am. 🙂

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Margaret! 😀 I really appreciate it!

      Yay for Obro! And, yeah, that’s such an inconvenient schedule for working parents. Hopefully, they can figure something out without having to change their schedules too much.

      Yeah, the rain and hail were so crazy. I wouldn’t walk out in that either. My BFF was on the freeway when it hit and she said that a lot of pulled over and just stopped to ride the storm out because they couldn’t see very well. She was also scared the hail was going to break her windshield. Fortunately, it didn’t. 😳

  7. Sophie
    Sophie says:

    OMG! All that rain and hail! We once got two months rain in one hour and it was a disaster everywhere! I am glad it didn’t flood you!

  8. Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog says:

    Glad that your migraine has gone. Fingers crossed the headaches go soon too. The birthday party sounds fun. It is nice when they start to get excited about birthday presents.

    That weather sounds crazy! I get worried about storms. We don’t have many here where I am in the South East of the UK. Areas near me flood, but so far I have been lucky.

    Have a good week!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Emily! 😀 I’m pretty sure I’ll deal with the minor headaches for a while due to stress. I definitely need to talk to my doctor and/or dentist about it, though.

      That’s good that you haven’t had to deal with any flooding. So far, we haven’t either. Let’s hope it stays that way.

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