Sunday News #57

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’m feeling less meh this week. I went to lunch with Corey during the week and we went to the movies a couple of times. I also hung out with my friend on Monday and attended book club on Friday.


Here’s what I posted on the blog this week:


I finished reading THIS SPELLS LOVE by Kate Robb and I also read DATING DR. DIL by Nisha Sharma. My reviews will be posting soon.

I listened to about 30 minutes of THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO audiobook while I was driving this week. At this rate, I won’t finish it until the end of next year, lol.


Since I’ve been watching PRETTY LITTLE LIARS and I’ve listened to the opening song a lot lately, I thought I’d share it with you this week. It’s very short, but I still like the song.


Corey and I saw the new Dune movie in the theater twice this week. The first time was on Thursday and the second time was with some friends on Saturday. I loved the first Dune movie. I thought it was a really good adaptation. I think the new one is a fantastic movie by itself AND it pissed me off, lol. For those of you who don’t know, DUNE is my all-time favorite book. It has been since I was 17 so the movies had a lot to live up to. I really disliked how much they changed Chani’s character and I disliked what they did to the ending. I’m pretty sure Denis Villeneuve did it the way he did because he wants to make a third movie that follows part or all of DUNE MESSIAH. I’m okay if he makes another one. I just wish he would’ve finished the first book first before going into the next story.


I love Starbucks’ venti decaf iced lattes with vanilla syrup. I discovered these about six months ago. Before then, I didn’t drink coffee. Now, I’m obsessed. Whenever I need a pick-me-up emotionally, I can count on my coffee order to lift my spirits.


I want to grow my hair out. I’ve had it in a pixie cut for most of my adult life. I’ve decided I want to grow it out to my shoulders at least. Right now, however, my hair is in that unmanageable phase when you grow it out. I’m trying to resist the urge to chop it off so I don’t look like a shagged dog anymore.


I need to remind you that my friend Suey’s hosting a FAIRY TALE read-along this month. Check out her post on TheStoryGraph.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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59 replies
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    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Shelleyrae! 😀 I used to not drink coffee. And, I used to only drink herbal tea. If I drink either now, they have to be decaf. I can’t handle caffeine in medium to large doses.

  1. Roberta R.
    Roberta R. says:

    It’s great that you’ve been feeling well enough to leave the house and socialise! I’m sure things can only improve from there.

    Your comment about The Count of Montecristo made me laugh. How long is it, again?

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Roberta! 😀 I go through spurts. Sometimes, I totally want to get out and do things and other times, I just want to stay home.

      Monte Cristo is 52 hours. 😳

  2. sjhigbee
    sjhigbee says:

    Glad you are feeling less meh – I think it helps when February is in the rear view mirror… I have issues with books turned into films, even when I LOVE the adaptation. It’s such a different medium. I haven’t yet seen the second Dune film – while I liked the first one, I still prefer the book! Have a great week.

  3. Susan
    Susan says:

    Did they really change Chani’s character? Why or How? It’s been a long long time since I read Dune. Too bad about the ending too. Hope you have a good week.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Yeah. In the book, she doesn’t doubt Paul. In the movie, she’s skeptical and when he finally drinks the water of life, she completely rejects him. It really bugged me. The director said he did it to make Chani stronger. I get that he wanted to give her more of a voice and to not blindly follow Paul, but I loved their relationship in the book and it felt way too strained in the movie. 🙁

  4. Jodie
    Jodie says:

    I’m glad to hear you’ve had a good week! Coffee is definitely a comfort drink for me too. I enjoyed Dr. Dil and hope that you are too. Have a great week!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      That’s cool that you binge read the whole series. I have only read DUNE. When I found out it was a series, I heard from several people that the series goes downhill from the first book. I didn’t want an unsatisfactory ending to the series to color my feelings for DUNE so I’ve never read them.

  5. Rachel @Waves of Fiction
    Rachel @Waves of Fiction says:

    I haven’t read any of the Dune books or watched the movies. My cousins were really into it though, growing up. Hopefully if there’s another movie it’ll tie things up satisfactorily! I hate it when a film adaptation is a disappointment!

  6. Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog says:

    I’ve seen adverts for Dune but don’t know anything about it. It is annoying when they don’t live up to the book.

    Hair is annoying. As I have an 8 month old I just tie my hair back and leave it 😂

    I have Dating Dr Dil on my TBR pile.

    Have a great week!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      I haven’t grown my hair out for so long because when I do, I usually just put it in a messy bun or pony tail. I rarely actually do my hair. I also shed a lot more when my hair’s longer. I do like my hair in a bob or A-line so that’s probably as long as I’ll grow it out.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Lol. I haven’t read A TALE OF TWO CITIES. I’m not a huge fan of classical literature. I do read books every now and then. Maybe, I’ll have to add Dickens to my list. 😀

  7. Literary Feline
    Literary Feline says:

    I hope to see the new Dune movie at some point. Not sure it will be in the theater though. My husband and I want to watch the first again since it’s been so long since we last watched it. I would really like to read the book someday. I need to get my hair trimmed, but I always put if off because I like it longer. I hope you are having a good week!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      I hope you enjoy the second movie more than I did. My husband and I also rewatched the first movie before we saw the second one. If I didn’t love the book so much, I’d probably be okay with the movie, lol. If when you do read the book, I hope you like it.

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