Review: When I’m DeadTitle: When I'm Dead
Author: Hannah Morrissey
Series: Black Harbor #3
Genre(s): Thriller
Pages: 320
Source: Library
For: Book of the Month
Sexual Content: 2 Flames

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There's content in this book that may be triggering to some readers. I've tried to include the possible triggers in this book at end of my review.
Goodreads Synopsis

On a bone-chilling October night, Medical Examiner Rowan Winthorp investigates the death of her daughter’s best friend. Hours later, the tragedy hits even closer to home when she makes a devastating discovery--her daughter, Chloe, is gone. But, not without a trace.

My Thoughts

WHEN I’M DEAD was my October 2023 pick for Book of the Month (BOTM) and I read it as part of the BOTM challenge I’m doing this year.

WHEN I’M DEAD isn’t really a sequel to HELLO, TRANSCRIBER and THE WIDOWMAKER because it focuses on other characters. There are a few secondary characters that are in each book, but the main commonality between the three stories is the setting–Black Harbor, Wisconsin. I love the Easter eggs in THE WIDOWMAKER and WHEN I’M DEAD that unite the stories as a series.

I thought the story was captivating, emotional, and suspenseful. I love Morrissey’s prose. It’s so descriptive and beautiful. (Although, if I heard “shadow of a doubt” one more time, I might have screamed.) I really liked that the story’s told from multiple POVs. I loved the different look into what was going on and I thought each POV was unique and made the story better.

Just like its predecessors, WHEN I’M DEAD is a very dark thriller that kept me guessing until the end. It’s thought-provoking and deals with subjects like bullying, suicide, and parent / child relationships.

I really liked the characters in WHEN I’M DEAD. I especially liked Rowan and Axel’s because of their need to find their daughter, Chloe, and their self-doubt in wondering whether they were good parents and really knew their daughter. There was so much more emotion in this story than the previous two, which kept me reading and thinking about the story when I wasn’t.

I’m so glad I read all three books in the Black Harbor series even though I could have just read WHEN I’M DEAD without really missing anything. I look forward to any other books in the series as well.

Have you read WHEN I’M DEAD? If so, what did you think?

Trigger Warning

There is a trigger warning for suicide, bullying, death of a parent, death of a child, and death of animals.

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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4 replies
    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      I really love the cover of this one as well. 😀 I’ve put my subscription on hold a few times because I feel like I’m just accumulating books I’m not reading. That’s why I created a challenge around my BOTM books, though, so I do read them. 😀

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