Review: The UnweddingTitle: The Unwedding
Author: Ally Condie
Genre(s): Mystery
Pages: 352
Source: Own
For: Book Club
Sexual Content: 0 Flames

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There's content in this book that may be triggering to some readers. I've tried to include the possible triggers in this book at end of my review.
Goodreads Synopsis

Ellery Wainwright is alone at the edge of the world. She and her husband, Luke, were supposed to spend their twentieth wedding anniversary together at the luxurious Resort at Broken Point in Big Sur, California. But now, she’s traveling solo. To add insult to injury, there’s a wedding at Broken Point scheduled during her stay. When Ellery discovers the body of the groom floating in the pool, she realizes that she is not the only one whose future is no longer guaranteed.

My Thoughts

I was really excited to read THE UNWEDDING not only because I know Ally Condie personally, but also because it was chosen as the June book for Reese’s Book Club. Thankfully, my IRL book club decided to read it as our August book.

When I found out that THE UNWEDDING was a murder mystery, I was hoping the story would be more of a thriller. To my disappointment, it wasn’t. While the story’s suspenseful at times, I never had that edge-of-my-seat feeling I crave when reading thrillers mysteries.

Despite my disappointment with the mystery in THE UNWEDDING, I still found Ally’s writing a joy to read. As always, her writing has a poetic and lyrical feel and paints a clear picture of love, loss, and healing. The emotionality was my favorite part. I especially loved reading the aspects of the story that came from her life.

I really liked the characters. I loved watching Ellery become stronger despite her grief. I loved Ravi and Nina, Grace and Gary, Morgan and Maddox, and Andy, Rachel, and Olivia. Each personality and backstory added to the emotionality of the overarching story.

I’ve been trying to decide how to rate THE UNWEDDING. Even though I thought the mystery fell flat, I still loved the characters and emotions throughout the story. Because of this, I’ve settled on 3.5 stars.

Have you read THE UNWEDDING? If so, what did you think?

Trigger Warning

There is a trigger warning for loss of a spouse and loss of a child.

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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6 replies
    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Sophia! 😀 It’s okay. I’ve noticed that with most of Ally’s books, I prefer her prose, the emotions that run through them, and her characters much more than the actual stories. My favorite book of hers is SUMMERLOST. I did like her Matched series and THE ONLY GIRL IN TOWN, but again mostly because of the emotions and characters.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      I also loved her Matched series. My favorite book of hers, though, is SUMMERLOST. It’s okay that I didn’t love it as much as I wanted to, but thanks! 😀

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