My IRL book club met yesterday evening to discuss March’s book. We finally met in-person and it was great to get out and see friends, especially since I’ve been cooped up with my illness for the past three weeks. We discussed NINE PERFECT STRANGERS by Liane Moriarty. There were only five of us who met […]

Books with an Adjective in the Title This week’s prompt is a little weird, but I’ll go with it. I couldn’t think of anything off the top of my head, so I went to Goodreads and looked at my “5-Stars” and “4-Stars” shelves to help me come up with my top ten. Without any further […]

I love Liane Moriarty. She’s one of my favorite authors. I was excited when my IRL book club decided to read another of her books. I was a little bit worried about what I’d think of NINE PERFECT STRANGERS, though, because I had seen mixed reviews. While it’s not my favorite book by Moriarty (that […]

Feeling I’m feeling hopeful. Friday was the worst day I had with this stomach bug, but then I felt almost normal yesterday. I’m hoping I’m over the worst of it now and I can get on with my life and start enjoying life again. I’m still going to take it easy and only eat soup […]

I wasn’t a reader for most of my life. I actually hated to read. I avoided reading in school and I read maybe one or two books a year in my adult life. It wasn’t until I read the Harry Potter series that I started to enjoy reading. The true catalyst for my love of […]