Entries by Jenni Elyse

Sunday News #5

Feeling I’m feeling happy and excited for a few reasons. Reason #1: remember the math test I talked about last week? My math teacher gives points for showing our work on our tests. He saw that I knew what I was doing. He also noticed that I made stupid mistakes when I put the answer […]

Top Ten Tuesday #4

Books with the Best Kisses This week’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt is a freebie, preferably something to do with love. If you know me IRL, then you know I’m all about the kissing. The more kissing the better. Perfect topic for this week! Here are my top ten books with the best kisses in them: […]

Sunday News #4

Feeling I’m feeling mad at myself. I took my first test in my math class this semester and I made stupid mistakes. Stupid mistakes. I only got a 75% when I should’ve gotten a 100%. Thankfully, our lowest test score is dropped. Hopefully, I don’t botch up any more tests. I’m also feeling discouraged because […]