Now that the year is halfway over (can you believe it?), I thought I’d check-in on my progress with my 2024 reading goals. My reading goals are:

  1. Read at least 30 books.
  2. Read 50% of my book club books.
  3. Read at least 15 of my Book of the Month (BOTM) books.
  4. Participate in my Trim Your TBR challenge.

I’ve been keeping track of my progress on my 2024 Reads page.

Yearly Goal

My goal for the year is to read 30 books and I’ve read 18. I’m more than halfway there! Woot Woot.

So far, my favorite books are:

  1. Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
  2. Book Lovers by Emily Henry
  3. This Spells Love by Kate Robb
  4. Beartown by Fredrik Backman
IRL Book Club

I made a goal to read at least 50% of my IRL book club books this year. I’ve currently read 3 out of 6. To reach my goal, I only need to read three more books.

Book of the Month

Since joining BOTM in January 2022, I’ve amassed quite a lot of books I need / want to read. I made a goal to read 15 books by the end of the year. I’ve only read 2 so far. It looks like I’m quite a bit behind on this one. I think I better stop rereading books I’ve already read.

Trim My TBR Challenge

I created a list of 24 books from my TBR, focusing on books I received from BOTM in 2022 and 2023. Every month, I randomly pick a number between 1 and 24 that hasn’t been picked already. I then read the book corresponding to the number on my list, at least that’s the idea anyway. So far, I’ve only read the same two books I read my for BOTM challenge. It looks like I need to play catch up.

Even though I’m behind on my BOTM and Trim My TBR Challenge, I’m pretty happy with my reading progress, especially since I didn’t get much reading done in March and April thanks to my health. I’ve really loved all the books I’ve read this year and I can’t wait to discover more books to love during the last half of the year.

How are you doing on your goals this year?

My reading suffered a lot in March and April thanks to my health issues. Even though I didn’t feel like starting any new-to-me books in May, I did reread the first three Harry Potter books via audio. I then finished rereading the series in June.

Because I didn’t read any new-to-me books in June either, this post’s more about updating my year-to-date stats and posting my plans for July than anything else. I’m hoping my reading will get back on track in July with some new-to-me books.

I learned in DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) that life is full of dialectics, or two opposing truths. In this case, the two opposing truths are: 1) I don’t agree with JKR’s stance regarding trans people, and 2) I still love Harry Potter.

Books Read
Books Reviewed (in March)


Books Read: 4

Pages Read: 3,016

Average Rating: 5.0


Books Read: 18

Pages Read: 8,709

Average Rating: 4.81

July Plans

How did your June go? What are your plans for July?