Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’m feeling happy and excited for a few reasons. Reason #1: remember the math test I talked about last week? My math teacher gives points for showing our work on our tests. He saw that I knew what I was doing. He also noticed that I made stupid mistakes when I put the answer down. Instead of giving me zero points so I’d get 75% on my test, he only took points off on the last part. My final score was a 91.7%.

Reason #2: my computer programming teacher was bombarded by most of the class complaining about the same things I complained about. That’s why he didn’t get back to me and I’m glad it wasn’t just me. He gave us more time. He also helped us figure out the auto grader. Hopefully, it won’t be as pedantic for future projects. I still have some reservations about the auto grader and at least I now know my teacher’s reasonable and willing to help me out if I need it.

Reason #3: check out what I watched this week.


I continue to be amazed by this awesome community each week. I love that we all come from different walks of life and get to know each other through our posts and comments on each other’s blogs. I’m really glad I decided to resurrect my blog at the beginning of the year. Everyone has been so nice and the camaraderie has helped my extroverted self navigate being more isolated than normal thanks to omicron.

This week on the blog:


I read BROKEN (IN THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY) by Jenny Lawson. I’ll be posting my review this week sometime. I’m starting ROCK PAPER SCISSORS by Alice Feeney today. So far so good at trying to get to my mound of library books before they’re due. 3 down and 3 to go.


This week, I’ve been listening to something kind of fun, at least fun for me. My favorite classical song is “Für Elise” because it’s basically my name–Jennifer Elyse–just not Germanized. It was also the first classical song I learned to play on the piano. Anyway, I came across this version of “Für Elise” when I was listening to another one of my favorite songs by The Piano Guys. I’ll have to share that song next week, maybe. What do you think of this version of “Für Elise”?


This week I had the fantastic experience of watching my cousin, Andrew Blaser, perform in the Winter Olympics. He was on the US Skeleton team. I’ve been following his progress on Facebook and Instagram for years and I was so excited when I found out he made the US team. It was so awesome to watch you do your thing, Andy! Go, Team USA!

(P.S. “Blaser” is pronounced BLAH-zer not BLAY-zer like the announcers have been incorrectly saying during the coverage.)


I’m loving Hulu so much right now because THEY’RE BRINGING BACK FUTURAMA! Hulu said Futurama’s one of the most watched shows on their network. Damn straight! We fans know what we love and we were never going to give up our campaign to bring it back. Again. #goodnewseveryone

P.S. If John DiMaggio doesn’t return as Bender, then this whole section will turn to HATING.


Now that I know Futurama’s coming back, I want to know if John DiMaggio’s returning. There are some actors that Futurama can return without, John DiMaggio isn’t one of them. Futurama must return with Billy West, John DiMaggio, Katey Sagal, Maurice LaMarche, Phil LaMarr, Lauren Tom, and Tress McNeille. Everyone else is extra.


I need to spend more time on my DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) homework during the week. I love DBT and what I’ve learned from it in the last ten months. It has helped me learn to navigate some tough emotional situations. I’ve learned to act opposite of my emotional urges (including suicidal ideation). Because of this, sometimes I don’t feel depressed anymore. The problem is I feel like I’m regressing a little and I don’t know why. I don’t know if it’s because I’m feeling overwhelmed by everything–school, therapy, home life, blog, reading, etc. Or, if it’s just that I’m having trouble balancing some of my values (activities that help me build a life worth living). I guess another thing I need to do is talk to Doug, my therapist about it. Good thing I like him.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’m feeling mad at myself. I took my first test in my math class this semester and I made stupid mistakes. Stupid mistakes. I only got a 75% when I should’ve gotten a 100%. Thankfully, our lowest test score is dropped. Hopefully, I don’t botch up any more tests.

I’m also feeling discouraged because I can’t seem to figure out the auto grader in my computer programming class. I got a 30 out of 80 on my first project even though my code does exactly what the specs ask for. I’m not sure what to do since my teacher hasn’t returned any of my messages.


I really enjoy being a part of the community. Visiting everyone’s blog and having visitors come to mine is one of the best things, especially in this pandemic reality. It helps my extrovert self feel like I’m hanging out with friends.


Because I’ve been catching up on homework this week, I haven’t read a lot. I did finally start reading TO ALL THE BOYS I’VE LOVED BEFORE by Jenny Han on Wednesday evening and finished it last night.

I have so many books out from the library right now! I hope I can get to them all. I have TO ALL THE BOYS I’VE LOVED BEFORE, BROKEN by Jenny Lawson, ROCK PAPER SCISSORS by Alice Feeney, and THE SOUND OF STARS and KINDRED by Alechia Dow checked out. They all came available at once.


This week, my song choice is a little different than past weeks. My therapist and I both like System of a Down. Most people are shocked when they find out I like them. They think I’m Miss Goody-Two-Shoes and wouldn’t like that type of music, which isn’t accurate at all, especially as I age. I know their music isn’t for everyone. If you don’t like it, that’s okay. To each their own.

My therapist went to a System of a Down concert in L.A. on Friday. It made me think about my favorite song, “Chop Suey!” The reason I like this song is it’s in the minor key. I music in the minor key. I mean really love it. It speaks to my soul unlike anything else in this world, except maybe a cat’s purr. I also really love Serj Tankian’s harmony. It’s amazing.


Corey and I started watching The Afterparty on AppleTV+. It’s awesome. My favorite episode so far is three. I loved all the songs sung by Ben Schwartz. If you have an AppleTV, I highly recommend this show. It’s really funny and has an all-star cast.


I love our new vet. Our old vet closed up shop without telling anyone. We have an 18-year-old cat on prescription food. We found out that our old vet was closed for good when we needed to buy Dax’s food. Fortunately, we found a new vet thanks to our neighbor and got Dax sorted out.

Corey took our 5-year-old tuxedo cat in a couple of days ago because she has been sick with a sinus infection. They gave her a shot of antibiotics so we didn’t have to try to force a pill down her throat. She’s acting so much more like herself again–playful, cuddly, and purry.

I’m really happy both of our cats are taken care of and doing well.


I want a new winter coat. It’s freezing in my neck of the woods right now and I hate my coat. It’s one of those puffer coats that make you look like the Michelin Man if the coat is white.

Even though it keeps me warm, I hate how it feels because it’s really cheap and made from cheap material. I have to wear a long-sleeved shirt with it so the coat doesn’t touch my skin directly. It’s also not very comfortable to wear besides how the material feels. When I’m wearing it, I feel like the younger brother on The Christmas Story after his mom puts him in his winter gear.


I need my hair to grow faster. I got my monthly trim back into shape as I have short hair. The problem is that the person who cut my hair messed it up really bad. I keep telling myself it doesn’t look as bad as I feel like it does and it’ll grow back. I also like wearing hats so I have that option until it grows back.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’m feeling many things. First, I have to explain what happened this week so you know why I’m feeling so much and then I’ll explain what I’m feeling.

Corey was sent to the ER on Wednesday afternoon after eating at a Wendy’s. It’s suspected that a disgruntled employee put cleaner in his Coke. Not only did it make him extremely sick (vomiting and the like), he also had a severe allergic reaction to it and went into anaphylaxis (trouble breathing, closed throat, bright red, etc.).

Right. I’m feeling:

  • extremely thankful that what happened to Corey isn’t worse than it was. He’s recovering pretty well. He still feels crummy, but he’s getting on with life.
  • overwhelmed because I’m behind on my homework now.
  • tired because I’m not sleeping well. I keep waking up in the middle of the night with anxiety-filled dreams.
  • disappointed in humanity. I can’t believe that someone would try to poison a customer just because they were having a bad day.

Even though it’s been a crazy week, I still had a good blogging week. I visited many blogs and I’ve had a lot of visitors too. I’m also excited for some of my scheduled posts coming up.


I finished reading THE MAGNOLIA PALACE at 2am on Thursday night. I couldn’t sleep so I stayed up reading. I really enjoyed doing that. I’m posting my review tomorrow. After I get caught up on my homework, hopefully tomorrow, I’ll start reading TO ALL THE BOYS I’VE LOVED BEFORE by Jenny Han. It’s my IRL book club’s book for February.

I also have BROKEN by Jenny Lawson out from the library and I got a notification yesterday that my hold for ROCK PAPER SCISSORS by Alice Feeney is now available.


While I was driving to the hospital, I kept having scary thoughts. I distracted I’m myself with music. One of the songs I listened to was “LifeBlood” by Fabrizio Paterlini, which was really calming and soothing. It helped a lot.


I watched the first episode of The Gilded Age on HBOMax. I noticed that it was another Julian Fellowes creation. I adore Downton Abbey, so I thought I’d give this one a try.

It’s set in New York City at around the turn of the 20th century. One of the main characters, Bertha Russell, is “new money” (her husband is a robber baron) and she’s trying to get accepted into polite society. The “old money” families don’t want to accept her because she doesn’t come from a long-line of aristocratic families. It seems like it’ll be interesting.


I discovered I couldn’t eat gluten about a year and a half ago. It’s been a struggle finding substitutes I like. However, in the past six months, maybe, I’ve started to find my stride and figure out what I really like. On Friday, I tried a new gluten-free bread by Udy’s and I it. I’ve had toast with jam for breakfast the past few days and it has been grand!


I want to know which books I get to choose from for the February book from Book of the Month. I know I only have to wait two more days and I still want to know now. First world problems.


I need more time to get caught up on my homework so I don’t feel so overwhelmed.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’m feeling more comfortable with my classes and I’m no longer feeling stressed.

I’m also feeling better now. My infection is gone and I don’t feel yucky from the antibiotics anymore. It’s great!


It was a good week. I really loved the turn out I got on my Top Ten Tuesday post. Thanks for commenting! I always reply and return the favor by commenting on your blog.


I finished reading PRINCE CASPIAN tonight for the Narniathon. I read it really quickly, in two sittings, because I really enjoy that installment of the series.

I’m going to start reading THE MAGNOLIA PALACE today. It was my pick for January’s Book of the Month pick.


While I was waiting for my therapist this week, this song came on in his waiting room. I shazamed it and immediately added it to my Piano Favorites playlist. Sometimes, the classics are the best.


Corey and I started watching How I Met Your Mother. He’s seen it all the way through and I haven’t. We watch a couple of episodes each day and we just started on Friday. I Neil Patrick Harris. He’s my favorite in this.

I’ve also been watching The Book of Boba Fett. I like most of it. I thought the Scooty Puff Jr. (see picture for explanation) pursuit in Mos Espa in episode 2 seemed more like a slow race than a high-speed chase. However, episode 3! I can’t believe View Spoiler » It was f*ing amazing!


I’m loving my basic programming class. I’m learning Python. Corey has always said he thought I’d like programming. So far, he’s right. I don’t know if I’ll like it enough to do it full time, though. Only time will tell.


I want to know what the number is for February for the Unofficial Trim Challenge that I’m participating in so I can come up with a game plan. I may be a mood reader, but I still like to have an idea of what I’m reading next. It’s weird.


I need more sleep. I’ve been having trouble falling asleep OR getting restful sleep when I do fall asleep.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’ve been feeling a little bit overwhelmed this week as school started on Monday. It always takes me a couple of weeks to get the hang of my new schedule. I’ve changed my classes around a couple times this week too so everything has been in flux, which hasn’t helped with my anxiety.

I’ve also been getting over an infection so I’ve been feeling sick from the infection and gross from the antibiotics. Thankfully, I took my last antibiotic on Friday morning and I’m starting to slowly feel better.


I haven’t blogged much because of school and I’ve missed it, which is a good sign. I’ve been visiting and commenting on blogs, though, which I enjoy doing.


I’m currently reading HOW TO: ABSURD SCIENTIFIC ADVICE FOR COMMON REAL-WORLD PROBLEMS. It’s hilarious. I love it. I also love that everything I learned in my physics class last semester is showing up in this book.

I’m going to start reading PRINCE CASPIAN today. It’s due back to the library in a week and I want to make sure I get it read before I have to return it.


I watched Cruella on Disney+ with Corey this week and I’ve been listening to “The Baroque Ball” ever since. I love it. I want to know who sings it, but I can’t find it online. It’s only associated with the composer of the Cruella score, Nicholas Britell, and he definitely doesn’t sing it.


I discovered a couple new shows this week as I was sitting brain dead after school. The first show I found was a new cooking competition with Gordon Ramsay. I Gordon Ramsay. It’s called The Next Level Chef. It’s like a combination of Masterchef and Cutthroat Kitchen, if you’ve ever seen either one of those.

The second show I discovered is called That’s My Jam. It’s a game show hosted by Jimmy Fallon. It’s a music game show with celebrities and they try to earn points so they can win money for charity. It’s a lot of fun. My favorite so far has been episode two. It had Josh Groban who had to sing “Total Eclipse of the Heart” switching from a baritone to a high voice in the middle of the song and Joseph Gordon-Leavitt who had to sing a pop song as a member of The Cure. It was hilarious.


I joined Book of the Month for only $5 because a friend had a referral link. She got a free credit and I saved $10. Everybody wins. I’m excited to get my first book in a few days.

Book of the Month seems like an awesome book subscription. You get to choose between five books. If you don’t like any of those books, you can choose a past book. If you’re behind on your reading, you can put the subscription on hold and not be charged the months you’re on hold. And, the only thing that comes in each box is a book. You don’t have to worry about having a ton of book swag cluttering up your house.

If you want to look into it, click here so you can join for $5 if you decide you want to. (Disclosure: I’ll get a free credit if you join with this link.)


I want a cobb salad from Chick-Fil-A, but Chick-Fil-A is closed on Sundays in my neck of the woods.


I need everyone at the school to wear a mask so I won’t get COVID. I’m triple vaxxed and I wear a mask, but I’m afraid that I’m going to get COVID because of someone who doesn’t take the pandemic seriously. Hardly anyone wears a mask in Utah and the COVID numbers are rising because of the Omicron Persei 8 variant (Omicron Persei 8 is a Futurama reference, so I had to tack on the Persei 8 for funsies).

I talk to my therapist about my anxiety and fear and he says, it’s understandable AND all I can do is cope ahead by doing everything I can do to protect myself, which I’ve done and continue to do. Le sigh.

At least the school mandated everyone be vaccinated before they could register for this semester. I just wonder how many people fudged their info.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?