Sunday News #54

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’m feeling a little bit dizzy, headachy, and congested again. It seems that my sinus infection hasn’t gone away. My doctor took a nose swab of each nostril. You know the swab I mean, the ones that go all the way up your nose and feels like it’s scratching your brain for an interminable amount of time?! Yeah, that’s the one. Blech.

The overall results of the swab came back on Friday and it seems that I not only have a bacterial infection, I have 4 fairly resistant bacterial infections. Once he receives the details and finds out what kinds of bacteria I’m playing host to, he’ll prescribe me a compounded antibiotic that goes in a sinus rinse. Hopefully, we can send these buggers on their way sooner rather than later.


Here’s what I posted on the blog this week:

My review for THE BALLAD OF SONGBIRDS AND SNAKES will post tomorrow.


I started reading THIS SPELLS LOVE by Kate Robb yesterday. I would’ve started reading it sooner, but I’ve been distracted by other things (see Loving section below).

I’ve also been listening to THE HUNGER GAMES audiobook. I think the narrator’s different from the “books on CD” version I listening to many moons ago. I like the new narrator a lot.

I also decided to join a buddy read with two of my friends. One of them wanted to read THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO this month for Black History Month. We’re all reading abridged editions. I feel like my edition could’ve been abridged a little bit more.


I listened to the score for THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS this week. It’s one of my favorites. I’m sharing this particular song, “The Kiss,” because the music in one of the episodes of THE TUDORS reminded us of this song.


As mentioned above, Corey and I are currently watching THE TUDORS. I’ve wanted to see it for a while. I’m fascinated by that era in history. We just finished season 1. Henry’s trying to get a divorce from Catherine of Aragon so he can marry Anne Boleyn. I think season 2 is going to cover their marriage and her beheading. There are only 4 seasons so I don’t think they can devote one wife per season. Maybe some of the others will be quicker.


I’m loving TheStorygraph. I decided to join because my friend Suey will be hosting a FAIRY TALE read-along there in March. I wish I had joined sooner because I have always despised Goodreads, as it’s so clunky and ugly. (I was a fan of Shelfari, but Amazon killed it in 2018.) I don’t love everything about TheStoryGraph, but I do love its simplicity, some of the community features, and it’s a lot more pleasing to the eye than Goodreads. Unfortunately, it’s taken me a lot of time to clean up the data I imported from Goodreads. I’m done with that so now I can get back to reading.

If you’re on TheStoryGraph and want to follow me or be my friend, here’s my profile. Also, don’t worry. I’m not quitting Goodreads. I just may spend more time over on TheStoryGraph.


I want Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction of an early spring to be right. I need more sun and warmth. Plus, if spring comes early, maybe summer will hold off until it’s supposed to and we’ll get a long spring. That would be the best!


I need to get out more. I’ve been hibernating in my house a lot over the past few weeks. It’s probably because I haven’t felt very good. The dreary weather also makes it harder for me to get up and out.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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54 replies
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  1. Jodie
    Jodie says:

    Oh you poor thing! 4 bacteria at once. I hope your Dr helps you to get rid of this infection once and for all. Have a good week ahead.

  2. Tessa @TessaTalksBooks
    Tessa @TessaTalksBooks says:

    I love StoryGraph! I sent you a friend request. I like that I can put five books in an up next section and how the trigger warnings are clearly listed. I also like how you can rate .25, .5, or .75. That’s nice. Hope you continue to enjoy it!

  3. Lisa R. Howeler
    Lisa R. Howeler says:

    You are the second person I have heard who has a horrid sinus infection and can’t get rid of it. I hope you feel better soon.

    I am going to be checking out Storygraph soon too. I hate Goodreads. I can’t believe they haven’t changed it and the set up in … well, ever!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thank you, Emma! 😀 I have decided to listen to the unabridged audio of Count of Monte Cristo. Reading it was putting me to sleep. The audio is fantastic, though, and I think I’ll really enjoy it. 😀

  4. Sarah Erwin
    Sarah Erwin says:

    I hope you gets some meds that help! My daughter has been struggling with a sinus infection that won’t go away and we are to see an ENT this week. I am giggling at having an even more abridged COUNT book. I have it and want to read it but it is just SO long!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thank you, Sarah! 😀 I’m sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope the ENT’s able to help her.

      Ha! 😀 I’m glad that made you laugh. I have decided to listen to the unabridged audiobook because reading it was making me fall asleep. I think I’ll like the audio a lot more. It is 52 hours, though. 😳

  5. Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
    Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews says:

    I’m sorry about the infection. I hope they figure this out soon and can help you get better.

    I’m still doing my GOT marathon. I have two episodes in season 6 left, then it’s onto the last two seasons. I haven’t heard many good things about those seasons, but I’ll be watching.

    I hope you have a great week!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Yvonne! 😀 I didn’t mind the last two season of GoT. I know people didn’t like them. I’m not sure if they were the ones who’ve read the books or what. Maybe, it’s because they didn’t binge the series. I don’t know. I hope you like them.

  6. Karen
    Karen says:

    I hate pesky infections. I hope they can figure out the right treatment to finally be rid of it.

    I’m on Storygraph. I joined when it first came out but I haven’t looked at for years. Honestly, I’m hardly ever on Goodreads (or anything other than IG) these days so it’s not a big deal to me. I mostly use GR just to catalog what I read. I don’t spend a lot of time there. But…it would be nice to start over with nice clean shelves lol

    Our weekend was glorious and the short reprieve (it’s already back to dreary rain) did my heart & mental state good!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Karen! 😀 I appreciate it.

      I’ve kind of gone the other way. I’m not on Instagram much or any other social media, except Goodreads and StoryGraph. I’m using them both for different purposes. I didn’t import my entire TBR into StoryGraph and it’s kind of nice to start clean, lol.

      I’m so glad you have a wonderful weekend and that it helped with your mental state. 😀

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