Due to how busy I’ve been, this is the first time I’ve read my IRL book club’s book and attended the discussion since September. I’m glad I was able to go because not only do I love my book club, I look forward to December’s meeting all year.

We met in-person last Wednesday evening to discuss December’s book, THE CHRISTMAS MURDER GAME by Alexandra Benedict. There were thirteen of us who met together and only one person didn’t read the book. Here are some highlights of our discussion:

  • Most of us listened to the audiobook. One person both listened and read the physical book.
  • Most of the group really disliked the book, rating it 1 or 2 stars on Goodreads. The rest of us were so-so about it, rating it 3 stars.
  • Those of us who rated the book 3 stars thought it held our interest which kept us from being bored.
  • Some of us thought the premise sounded promising, and most of us thought the execution was too convoluted and felt forced.
  • One person wanted there to be more types of word clues rather than just anagrams. Most of us thought the author tried too hard thinking up the anagrams which made the writing clunky and irritating.
  • Several people said the time setting was confusing. Sometimes it felt modern day (e.g. cell phones, internet) and other times it felt victorian (e.g. corsets, View Spoiler » word usage).
  • Most of us knew who the antagonist was right away. However, none of us guessed the ending.
  • Most of us didn’t care about the protagonist or any of the other characters, whether they were murdered or they were the murderer.

The discussion was pretty lively considering none of us really loved THE CHRISTMAS MURDER GAME. We often talked over each other trying to get all our thoughts out, which isn’t always the case at our meetings.

The rest of our book club was our annual Christmas party. For the party, we each bring a treat to share if we can. This year we had a wide variety–homemade shortbread cookies, peppermint Oreo ice cream pie, oranges, muddy buddies, tortilla chips with seven-layer bean dip, and potato chips with homemade dip. It was all really yummy.

We also have a book exchange. We each bring a wrapped book, one of our favorite reads from the year, and then we play a white elephant type swapping game. Once each book is unwrapped, we play one more round so everyone has a chance to “steal” the last book unwrapped if they want it.

We had quite a few awesome books up for grabs. I would’ve been happy with any of them. I brought MEET ME AT THE LAKE by Carley Fortune and I ended up with MIDNIGHT AT THE BLACKBIRD CAFE by Heather Webber, which looks interesting. The other books up for grabs were:

  • THE ADVENTURES OF AMINA AL-SIRAFI by Shannon Chakraborty
  • THE BLUE ZONES by Dan Buettner
  • THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END by Adam Silvera
  • MY BEST FRIEND’S EXORCISM by Grady Hendrix
  • CHICKEN SISTERS by KJ Dell’Antonia
  • ALL MY RAGE by Sabaa Tahir
  • SMALL THINGS LIKE THESE by Claire Keegan
  • BEAST OF NOOR by Janet Lee Carey
  • DAISY DARKER by Alice Feeney

Next month, we’re reading REMARKABLY BRIGHT CREATURES by Shelby Van Pelt. I’m excited to read this one.

Anyway, have you read THE CHRISTMAS MURDER GAME? If so, what do you think about my book club’s discussion about it?

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’m feeling hopeful. I wrote an update on the last 8 months earlier this week. The Reader’s Digest version is: my health is much better and I’ve been busy helping a friend in need.

Now that things have slowed down a bit, I want to start reading and blogging again. I miss the community a lot. Please bear with me while I get back into the swing of things, especially visiting and commenting on other blogs.


This week on the blog:


I finished rereading DRAGON PRINCE by Melanie Rawn this week. I then started the second book in the trilogy, THE STAR SCROLL.

I’m also listening to the audiobook of THE BALLAD OF SONGBIRDS AND SNAKES. I committed the cardinal sin of seeing the movie in November before reading the book and need to remedy that.


As I stated last year, I’m not a huge fan of Christmas music. However, I was introduced to an amazing number at my friend’s band concert. It’s called “Minor Alterations: Christmas through the Looking Glass.” I hope you enjoy it!


Right now, Corey and I are bingeing GAME OF THRONES. It’s our first time watching it. We recently finished season 5 and started season 6 on Friday. We’re quite hooked.

Corey also introduced me to ARCHER earlier this year. It’s been one of his favorites. We watched the series finale this week. It was a good one. We’re both sad it’s ended, though.


I love my IRL book club’s December meeting. I look forward to it every year. It’s so much fun because a lot of the stragglers come and we share treats and do a book exchange. This year’s was especially fun because I hadn’t been to a book club meeting since September. I’ll be posting about it in more detail this coming week.

I also love that Corey made sure I knew about the Wasatch Back Alpacas Christmas event so I could go feed and pet some alpacas. As many know, alpacas and llamas are two of my most favorite animals!


I want to wish a merry Christmas to those who celebrate! Happy holidays to all! And, have a fun and safe New Year’s celebration this coming week.


I need to get my end of year posts ready for this upcoming week. It’s one of my favorite times of year to blog.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

Hi there! It’s been a while, a little over 8 months in fact. Let me catch you up on the goings on I’ve had.

First things first, I no longer have pain or tingling in my arm and my hives are completely gone. Hallelujah! We never figured out what caused the hives. My theory is that my body was just under too much stress with the arm pain and the very emotionally taxing therapy I was doing to work through my PTSD.

I haven’t been reading very much this year. I finished my 12th book on Tuesday. I’m hoping to get a couple more books read by the new year. I do plan to highlight the books I read while I’ve been gone in my 2023 Reflection post at the end of December.

Instead of reading, I’ve been helping a friend in need by babysitting. I watched her three kids over the summer and once school started, I’ve just been watching her youngest. I love her kids dearly so I’ve been happy to help. She doesn’t need me as much anymore which I’m grateful for as I’m a little burned out. Toddlers are rough!

When I was home, I mostly watched TV or played my Switch since neither requires a lot of energy to do. Corey introduced me to ARCHER and we’re currently bingeing GAME OF THRONES for the first time. As far as games, I played the new Zelda and Pikmin games. I also finally gave in and started playing Stardew Valley.

I’d like to start reading and blogging again. I’ve really missed both. Please bear with me as I try to get back into the swing of things, especially commenting and reading other blogs.

I hope everyone has had and continues to have a wonderful holiday season!