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Evaluating My 2022 Goals

Can you believe 2022 ends tonight? I feel like this year flew by! Anyway, I thought I’d evaluate my 2022 reading goals. Last December, I made four bookish goals. They are:

  • Read at least 24 books.
  • Read at least 50% of my IRL book club books.
  • Read a book for 50% of the monthly tags hosted by my Goodreads group: Play Book Tag (PBT).
  • Read every Book of the Month book I selected before the end of the year.

I also made two challenge-related goals. They are:

I’ve kept track of my reading on my 2022 Reads page. (You can read my review of each book below by clicking the cover. I don’t have a review yet for THE HUNDREDTH QUEEN. I’ll be posting that next week.)

Yearly Goal

My goal for the year was to read 24 books and I read 32.

I’ll share my favorite books of the year on Tuesday for Top Ten Tuesday. My least favorite book was KEEP MOVING: NOTES ON LOSS, CREATIVITY, AND CHANGE by Maggie Smith. I didn’t hate it; I just didn’t love it either.

Reading Stats

New Reads: 21

Rereads: 11

Pages Read: 11,447


Own: 10

Library: 22


Hard Cover: 12

Paperback: 4

Kindle: 12

Audio: 4

Age Group

Adult: 13

Young Adult: 9

Middle Grade: 7

N/A: 3


0 – 99: 0

100 – 249: 6

250 – 499: 22

500 – 999: 4

1000+: 0

Primary Reason Read

Book Club: 7

Book of the Month: 3

Personal Interest: 8

PBT: 4

Read-alongs: 7

Unofficial Trim: 3

Primary Genre

Contemporary: 1

Fantasy: 11

Historical Fiction: 3


Mystery/Thriller: 4

Non-Fiction: 3

Romance: 8

Science Fiction: 1

IRL Book Club

I made a goal to read at least 50% of my IRL book club books this year. I read seven out of 12. Here are the books I read:

Play Book Tag

Each month my Goodreads group votes on a “tag” (theme) and share, discuss, and review books that fit the tag. I wanted to read one book for at least 50% of the tags. I read books for six of the 12 tags. Here are the books I read:

Book of the Month

I joined Book of the Month in January and I made a goal to read every book I selected by the end of the year. Unfortunately, I only read three out of 12 books. Here are the books I read:

Unofficial Trim Challenge

Each of us created a list of 24 books on our TBR. Each month, a participating member randomly picked a remaining number between 1 through 24 and we’d read the book associated with that number from our lists. Because there are 24 books, this challenge will continue into 2023. I read six out of 12 books. (I read two as book club books, but they still count because they’re not on my TBR anymore.) I’m counting this as a win because I read half of what I set out to do. Here are the books I read:


The Narniathon started in December 2021 and technically ran until July so participants could read an extra book if they wanted to. My goal was to read all seven books of the Narniad and I did.

Conclusion and 2023 Goals

I’m really happy with my reading this year despite it slowing down in the latter half. I read more in 2022 than I have for the last seven years. I’m excited that my reading mojo seems to better. It’s been a lot of fun to discover so many great books and authors. I can’t wait to discover more next year.

Next year, I have similar goals. While I want to make reading a priority, I’ll be in school again and I need to make it a priority as well. Because of school, some of my reading goals are lower than they’d normally be after such a fantastic year of reading. Hopefully, I’ll be able to exceed my expectations. My goals for 2023 are:

  1. Read at least 24 books.
  2. Read at least 50% of my IRL book club books.
  3. Read a book for 50% of the monthly tags hosted by Play Book Tag (PBT).
  4. Read every Book of the Month book I select before the end of the year.
  5. Read the backlog of my Book of the Month picks from 2022.
  6. Read the backlog for the Unofficial Trim Challenge hosted by PBT from 2022.

I also have one challenge-related goal:

  1. Participate in the Unofficial Trim Challenge.

I’ll keep track of my progress over on my 2023 Reads page.

How did you do on your goals this year? What are your goals for 2023?

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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12 replies
  1. Chris Lovegrove
    Chris Lovegrove says:

    Well done for achieving all that you did, Jenni-Elyse, that must be so satisfying, especially (as I know for myself) when you get way past your initial goals! For me the only real goal I start each year with is to participate in the Goodreads Reading Challenge – this year I read 74 out of 60 books, only possible because of being retired! – but otherwise I prefer to think of bookish memes as ‘prompts’ so I don’t have any sense of disappointment if I don’t complete them!

    That said, I’m pleased you joined in the Narniathon, one of the few memes I got properly stuck into mainly because I was running it. 🙂 I’m now, after joining in a readalong of Susan Cooper’s The Dark is Rising sequence, setting up a #LoveHain event, reading Ursula Le Guin’s Hainish tales over the 12 months of 2023.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Chris! 😀 I’m glad you started and hosted the Narniathon. It was a great experience and I had a lot of fun doing it. Good job on exceeding your Goodreads challenge this year. I’ll have to take a look at your new events and decided if I want in or not. 😀

  2. Louise Hallett
    Louise Hallett says:

    Fantastic work on achieving all those goals! I did really well on my goals of reading TBR books until about September and then things went pear-shaped! It doesn’t help that I’ve become addicted to reading library books (at least it’s better for me than committing to arcs)

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Louise! 😀 It was a really fun reading year. I didn’t have any reads below 3 stars so I’m calling it a win. Good luck with your own reading goals in 2023.

  3. Margaret
    Margaret says:

    You’ve done great with your reading. I love the variety of your books; I tend to stick to Book Club choices or mysteries. I should read more non-fiction.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Margaret! 😀 This year was a great reading year. I didn’t rate anything below a 3-star rating so I’m calling it a win. I think focusing on book club books is a great way to go. I hope your club reads some really good ones in 2023.

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