December 2022 Monthly Wrap-up

I didn’t finish any books in November and I only read two books in December. Because of health issues, I didn’t really read anything until the middle of the month. I did start listening to the ECLIPSE audiobook, but I’m only about halfway through it. I hope I’ll get a chance and want to read more in January. I’m participating in the Bout of Books readathon this week, which hopefully will help jumpstart my year.

My favorite book this month was IN A HOLIDAZE by Christina Lauren. Although, I did also really enjoy THE HUNDREDTH QUEEN by Emily R. King.

Books Read
Books Reviewed


Books Read: 1

Pages Read: 336

Average Rating: 4.0


Books Read: 32

Pages Read: 11,447

Average Rating: 4.11

January Plans

How did your December go? What are your plans for January?

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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22 replies
  1. Margaret
    Margaret says:

    It’s great that you loved the books you did read! I need to get going on my BC book; I’ve had a cold and have been going to bed/sleep early–not doing my usual reading.

  2. jessicabookworm
    jessicabookworm says:

    Jenni Elyse, I hope you will feel better and be able to read more in January. In December, I finished two books and I currently re-reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I don’t really have any plans for my upcoming reading other than taking it easy and picking easy, comforting reads. 😊

  3. Literary Feline
    Literary Feline says:

    I hope you are enjoying Eclipse. I am trying to decide if I want to start a new audio. I’m very slowly working my way through re-reading the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher via audio book. At least the books I’ve already read. I like James Marsters as a narrator. I hope you enjoy your January reads!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks! 😀 I am. I love the Twilight Saga. It’s one of my favorite series. I’ve never read the Dresden Files. I’ll have look into it as I love James Marsters. 😀

  4. Louise Hallett
    Louise Hallett says:

    Quality is better than quantity when reading books. I used to read a silly number each year and can barely remember a single one of them. Since I’ve slowed down I find I DNF and dislike far fewer books.
    I’m really enjoying fantasy again so look forward to reading your review of these books.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      I totally agree. Fortunately, that was the case in 2022 for me. 😀 I’m glad you don’t have as many DNFs anymore. That’s always a great sign you’re choosing the right books for you.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Agreed! 😀 I love fantasy. Other than romance, it’s my favorite genre. I just don’t read it as often as I’d like because I’m such an eclectic reader, lol. I’m my own worst enemy.


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