Entries by Jenni Elyse

Dune: A Discussion

I recently read DUNE by Frank Herbert for the seventh time! The first time I read it was in high school for my Sci Fi class. (It was one of the only books I actually read.) I fell in love with the story that first time I read it. Over the years, DUNE has become […]


Bout of Books 33 Progress

During the week as I participate in Bout of Books, I’ll keep track of my progress on this post. At the end of the week, I’ll post a wrap-up post with my totals. So far I’ve had a good time reading and joining in on the Instagram prompts. If you’d like to follow me on […]

Joining the Narniathon21

As I’ve been getting my feet wet visiting other book blogs over the last couple of days, I noticed that a couple of people were participating in a Narniathon–a readalong dedicated to reading one book in the Narniad per month (in published order). I commented on Anne’s blog, My Head is Full of Books, about […]


Bout of Books 33 Signup

Nothing like waiting to the last minute to decide, but I’m joining the Bout of Books readathon from January 3rd to 9th. I’ve been toying with the idea of participating for about a month now. Since school doesn’t start again until January 10th, I decided that Bout of Books would be a great way to […]

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Evaluating My 2021 Goals

Last December, I made four bookish goals for 2021. They are: It’s time to evaluate how I did with each of them: As you can tell, I didn’t accomplish any of my goals. This year wasn’t a good reading year. It started out good, though. I read four books in January and two books in […]