Sunday News #59

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’ve been feeling a little bit sad this week. I had to say goodbye to my amazing therapist, Doug. Due to unforeseen circumstances, he’s moving his skills to the state mental hospital and will no longer be doing private practice.

When I say Doug changed my life, I really mean I’m still alive because of him. If you’ve been following my blog for long, then you know I’ve been in therapy off and on since I was 16 to treat a myriad of problems–depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, PTSD from sexual trauma, etc. However, it wasn’t until I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in 2020 and spent a week in the hospital in March 2021 for overdosing on lithium that my psychiatrist and therapist at the time recommended I find a DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) program.

Thanks to Doug and the skills I learned in DBT, I’m no longer diagnosable with BPD or PTSD. I still deal with depression and anxiety, but not to the same extent I did before DBT. I also don’t need therapy as much as I did.

I’m going back to my previous therapist, Parker. I actually really adore Parker. I just needed Doug more at the time.


Here’s what I posted on the blog this week:


I listened to Neil Patrick Harris’ memoir CHOOSE YOUR OWN AUTOBIOGRAPHY this week. You can click the link above to read my review if you’re interested.

I’ve made a lot of progress on rereading SUNRUNNER’S FIRE by Melanie Rawn. I’m pretty sure I’ll finish it today or tomorrow. I’m also listening to HELLO, TRANSCRIBER by Hannah Morrissey.


Corey and I saw INSIDE OUT 2 this week and the theme song has been on my mind for most of the week.


Like I said above, Corey and I saw INSIDE OUT 2 this week. I loved it! Both movies are a subtle nod to what I learned in DBT. Sometimes our emotions can take over and cause us to act irrationally. As we get older, our emotions become more complex and harder to manage. We can learn to use our core sense of self (or our Wise Mind in DBT vernacular) to challenge our emotions and act more rationally. Emotions aren’t bad; we just need to learn to not let them take over.

Loving, Wanting, Needing

I have some really cute planters. I’ve been wanting to get plants for them. However, I know I’ll forget to water them because I keep them out of reach from my cats. Out of sight, out of mind. I’ve also tried succulents and killed them too. I decided the best option for me would be to crochet amigurumi plants. I’m in love with the cute little succulent I made for my 1.5-inch pot. Isn’t it cute?

Next, I want to make some cactuses and flowers for my other planters. I just need to decide the color and style.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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32 replies
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  1. Erin @ Cracker Crumb Life
    Erin @ Cracker Crumb Life says:

    Oh my goodness, you made that?? It is so darn cute!!! I love it.

    I am very curious about DBT now. I have been dealing with anxiety my whole life, and my mom has a host of mental health challenges. I am going to see what I can learn about it.

    Have a great week!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thank you so much! 😀 I hope your research into DBT is helpful and that if you decide to pursue it that it’s as helpful for you as it was for me.

  2. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
    Deb Nance at Readerbuzz says:

    Crocheted plants sound ideal for those of us who are not as vigilant with our live plants as we should be.

    Good luck with your new/old therapist. You sound confident that the transition will go well.

    The Neil Patrick Harris memoir…very fun!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Lol. Yeah, crocheted plants are definitely not as temperamental or killable as real plants are. 😀 Thank you for the well wishes regarding my therapy.

  3. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) says:

    I pretty much kill any plant people give me, even succulents! So I love your idea! I had talked to my doctor about upping my anti-depressant dosage with the stress of my job and my stepdad’s death in May. But when I started taking the higher dosage I didn’t like the way it felt. So when I went back to talk to her last week, I told her I really want to find a therapist or someone to help me figure out ways to handle my emotions at work, I want to do that instead of more medication. So she gave me a couple therapist names. One may or may not be with my insurance, but sounds like they do behavioral techniques, which is what I want. I hope you’re able to keep up and stay where you want to be going back to your old therapist too! I’ve got to get back and check your reviews this past week! Have a good week

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thank you so much! 😀 I hope you love your therapist. I definitely recommend talking to someone. I put off therapy for a few years after my mom passed away and I slowly went downhill. I think if I’d had someone reliable, like Parker or Doug, to talk to in the beginning I wouldn’t have gotten as bad as I did.

  4. Meezan
    Meezan says:

    Even though Doug is leaving his practice, I’m so glad you still have a therapist you are happy with. Inside Out 1 and 2 are on my to-be-watched list. They sound really good. I love your crotchet plant and the pot it’s in! My cats would destroy it, so I’d have to hide it, but that is the kind of plant I would need! Have a great week. 🙂

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thank you! 😀 Me too. I hope you love both INSIDE OUT movies as much as I did or more when you finally get to see them.

      Yes, I do have to keep even my crocheted plants out of reach of my cats. They think I made them for them. Ha!

  5. Margaret
    Margaret says:

    I like a variety of topics in a post but then I’m not a book blogger. What a clever succulent! I need some since I kill house plants. Doug sounds like he was extremely impactful and positive in your life. I wish my younger daughter could find a therapist like him.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      I’m with you, honestly. I like hearing about people’s lives and interests outside of books too. Thank you! 😀 I hope someday your younger daughter decides to do therapy and finds someone she can trust and that helps her.

  6. Jodie
    Jodie says:

    I’m so relieved to hear that you can go back to your old therapist as it’s hard to start fresh with someone new. I’ve been hearing wonderful reviews for Inside Out 2 – I must try and get to it. Have a great week!

  7. Joy Weese Moll
    Joy Weese Moll says:

    If you have to change therapists, it’s great that you can go to one that you already know and like. I love Inside Out and rewatch it when I want to remind myself how to think about my emotions — looking forward to the new one! Your crochet supplement is adorable!

  8. Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog says:

    It is sad when people move on. Thank goodness he was there at the right time.

    I want to see Inside Out 2.

    The succulent is so cute! I wish that I could make things. I can’t even tie a knot these days 🙄

    I hope that you have a good week this week

  9. Jinjer
    Jinjer says:

    I’m sorry you had to say goodbye to Doug but I’m glad you have your previous therapist to go back to! Thank you, Doug, for saving our girl’s life!

    Plants. Ugh. No. My sweet neighbor was re-potting all her plants and she knocked on my door to proudly present me with one and I had to say thank you so, so, so much, but no. Please, no. I told her I do not enjoy taking care of plants and WILL NOT take care of one so, thank you, again, but no.

    That one you made is too cute though!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Jinjer! 😀 I really appreciate it. And, yeah, I completely understand about plants. I’ve only ever had one plant that I’ve loved and kept alive for 7 years. Now, I like the crochet ones better, lol.

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