Sunday News #25

Sunday Post and Sunday Salon are blog news memes hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer and Reader Buzz, respectively. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, and showcase books and other things.

I’m feeling excited and frustrated. The excitement comes from closing on our place and finding a place to move. The frustration comes from the buyers needing to change timelines at the last minute so we’re now not moving until next weekend. I’ll get over it, though, because it gives us more time to pack and prepare.


This week on the blog:


I finished reading both EVERY SUMMER AFTER by Carley Fortune and SIMON VS. THE HOMO SAPIENS AGENDA by Becky Albertalli this week. I loved both of them so much. I’ll be posting reviews next week.

I also read THE MAGICIAN’S NEPHEW by CS Lewis and finished it last night. I have officially met my yearly goal upon finishing it! I can’t believe I’ve read so much already this year. I’ll start THE LAST BATTLE today and finish my reread of the Narniad in the next couple of days. It’s been a fun experience.

I’ll also pick WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING by Delia Owens back up. (I’d put it on the back burner so I could read the three books I finished this week.)


I’ve been listening to some 80s songs this week. I love the music from the 80s, but I don’t listen to it very much unless the songs are covered by a more recent band, like Weezer and their Teal Album.

One of my favorite 80s songs is “Take on Me” by A-Ha. Even though the music video seems a bit cheesy forty years later, I still think the concept is cool.

I also really love Weezer’s cover of “Take on Me.” If you haven’t heard it, I highly recommend listening to it. I included the MV in this post for your viewing pleasure.


I watched the season finale of MASTERCHEF JUNIOR and I’m really happy with the winner. I think the top three kids absolutely deserved to be in the positions they were in.

I also got caught up on the current season of MASTERCHEF. I think I want Fred to win. I loved him in his original season and I love him still. I also can’t believe Alejandro did what he did in this last episode. View Spoiler »

We also started watching the new season of MOTHERLAND: FORT SALEM. We really like this show. The story’s interesting and the characters are great. This season seems like it’s going to be awesome.


I love that I came off the medication that I did. The withdrawal symptoms have pretty much disappeared AND I’m so much more clear-headed than I used to be.


I want to move now. The buyers are being so annoying, even though we have a lease to stay in our property until next Saturday. They’ve been so hard to work with, changing dates and asking for extensions. And, now that we’ve closed, it’s like they don’t want to hold up their end of the bargain. Sorry. I’ll just be glad when this is all over.


I need to start packing the rest of our stuff. Because of the changing dates and extensions, Corey and I haven’t really been able to make plans. Because of that, we didn’t want to start packing since we need a lot of our stuff until we actually move. Now that everything’s settled, other than dealing with the buyers, we can actually make hard plans. Wish us luck.

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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48 replies
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  1. Tessa
    Tessa says:

    So glad your house closes so soon. Love 80s music too and Masterchef Junior was so cute – especially the little girl who came in third.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      We’ve actually already closed. We’re just waiting to move now. It will be sometime this week. 😀 Yes, I adored Ivy. I thought she was so darling with her love of fashion and cooking. I wonder which one will win out in the end as she grows older.

  2. Ellie
    Ellie says:

    Buying a house is the most stressful thing I ever did. We didn’t even have a chain and it took months. I think our solicitor had a breakdown in the middle of it all as she mysteriously disappeared after not doing much. Anyway, I hope it goes much more smoothly for you!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Ellie! 😀 I’m sorry buying your house was so stressful. That sounds awful. When we bought this place, we ran into some problems too. I think it’s just the name of the game. I’m trying not to hold it against the buyers as I know things happen. I just wish they were adhering to our contract of staying here until Saturday a bit more.

  3. Jen at Introverted Reader
    Jen at Introverted Reader says:

    When we bought our house, the seller asked to stay in the house for an extra week… which turned into two. Luckily we were renting from my uncle so he didn’t really care when we moved out. It would have been frustrating if we’d needed to move out because of a lease or something. I hope you get all moved into your new place soon and the buyers get out of your hair!

    I haven’t re-read Narnia in forever. I should add that to my list of things to do.

    Enjoy your week!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      I can see how frustrating that would be. We only asked for more time because they needed to extend the deadline for closing. We’ll be out by this weekend. Fortunately, now that the closing is done and they’ve been paid their allowances and for the week we’re staying in our place, they’re being much more amenable. 😀

  4. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books says:

    It’s always frustrating to have last minute changes when buying or selling. At least you have extra packing time now. I’m looking forward to your review of Simon Vs. 🙂 I didn’t realize Weezer did a cover of Take On Me! That song is still one of my favorites from the 80’s. I remember playing it nonstop when it first came out and I still love the video – it’s so iconic. And I have to say, I’m loving that Weezer cover! I knew they did one of Toto’s Africa a while back but I didn’t know there was more!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      It is. The last-minute changes and extensions really put us in a bind. Luckily, we’ve worked everything out and will be moving this weekend. 😀

      I’ll be posting my review of Simon tomorrow. 😀 And, yes, I didn’t realize Weezer did a whole album of 80s covers. I love all the songs they chose and their rendition of them. I think “Africa” and “Take on Me” are their only MVs, though.

  5. Literary Feline
    Literary Feline says:

    I hope the move goes well! I know it will be a relief to have it finally behind you and to be able to settle in your new place. I am glad you enjoyed Becky Albertalli’s book. I have been wanting to give her work a try for awhile now. I have a real soft spot for ’80’s music as does my husband. Probably more for nostalgia sake, but it’s always fun when my daughter discovers a new cover of an old song that she really likes. Yay for coming off the meds. I am glad you are feeling better. I am hanging in there–sometimes barely–but I’m still here, so that’s a good thing. I hope you have a great weekend!

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