Book Blogger Hop #2

Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme that was originally created and hosted by Jennifer at Crazy-for-Books in March 2010. As of February 2013, it’s hosted by Billy at Coffee Addicted Writer.

Oops! I totally read the schedule wrong! … I’ve decided to keep the question and answer I originally thought was on the schedule for this week.

Today’s Question(s) is …

Do you have a genre you haven’t read before but would like to?

My Answer(s) is …

I’m a very eclectic reader. I adore fantasy, contemporary romance, historical fiction, mystery/thriller, dystopian, science fiction, and memoir. I read more fantasy than any other genre and 69% of my books usually have some sort of romance in them. For me, the more kissing the better! I haven’t read much horror or LGBTQ+ fiction and I definitely want to read more of both.

The one genre I’ve never embraced is Christmas. The only Christmas story I’ve read, if you don’t count picture books, is A CHRISTMAS CAROL by Charles Dickens back in 2010. I think I haven’t read any other Christmas stories because I don’t really decorate or go all out for the holidays. Corey and I spend Christmas Eve with some friends, build LEGO on Christmas Day, and sometimes have dinner with his family.

I used to adore Christmas stories when I was younger. Way before there was a Hallmark channel, my mom and I’d always watch the current year’s Hallmark Christmas movie together. I always looked forward to the Hallmark Christmas commercials. I can still remember my favorite one.

If I did read Christmas stories, I’d focus on Christmas romances. My IRL book club is planning to read IN A HOLIDAZE by Christina Lauren for our December book and I’m actually quite excited about it. I’ve also read a few reviews lately of Christmas romances I might be interested in reading. Maybe, it will become a favorite yearly tradition. Only time with tell, I guess.

What about you? Is there a genre you’d like to check out sometime?

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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22 replies
  1. Mark
    Mark says:

    Definitely does sound like you are already pretty eclectic. I’ve fallen into mystery and can’t get out. Not that I’m trying that hard. I’d like to read more sci fi or fantasy, but I have so many mysteries calling my name, I don’t know when I’d have the time. Plus, I wouldn’t know when to start. I do enjoy the occasional middle grade fantasy book.

  2. Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog says:

    I set myself genre goals each month to try and broaden my reading. I love Christmas stories. I think though that they need their own star rating as they are quite separate from other books in my opinion (for example a 5⭐ Christmas read might really only equate to a 4⭐ non Christmas book) 🤣

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      That’s really cool, Emily! 😀 I should try that. Maybe, I’ll make it a challenge for 2023. And, I can see what you mean by different ratings for Christmas books. I probably would rate them the same way I rate all the books I read, though. My rating system is pretty simple:

      5 stars = favorite
      4 stars = loved it
      3 stars = liked it
      2 stars = it was okay
      1 star = hated it

  3. Margaret
    Margaret says:

    I also read in many genres but mainly stick to literary or mysteries. I’d like to read more non-fiction than I do but something about getting started on it doesn’t thrill me. I’m usually fine once I’m in it.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      That’s cool. I think reading multiple genres is a good way to stay well-rounded and learn about others. I’d like to read more non-fiction too. When I do read non-fiction, I usually read memoirs. I’d like to read other types of books if I can find some that I’m interested in. 😀

  4. Louisa
    Louisa says:

    Yeah, I read a lot of genres as well. I’ll read Christmas and holiday stories, but I won’t actively search them out, and if the choice was between a Hallmark movie, and reading, I’d choose reading, so I never really watched any, besides when they were on, and I’d see parts of them. Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

  5. Deanne Patterson
    Deanne Patterson says:

    I read almost all genres of books but fantasy. Well let me correct that, I have read a few fantasy books but I think I’d enjoy reading more. I’ll try to fit more into my schedule. I’ve really seen some amazing covers on fantasy books.

  6. Nicci
    Nicci says:

    I read across many different kinds of genres too but romance is a thread that connects the majority of my books. I love Christmas books… But then again we’re Christmas daft in this house. 🙂
    I haven’t read In A Holidaze but I remember everyone loving it when it released so it’s probably a good one to dip a toe back into the festive stories.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Romance is a thread that connects most of my books as well. I sometimes read straight romance, but I usually read a different genre that has romance in it. I like either way. 😀

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      I think I’m kind of the same way. One year I read so much historical fiction (particularly WWII), I didn’t even want to talk about WWII for almost a year. Another year, I read a bunch of horror/suspense/thriller books right in a row and it took some time before I read another one. I’ll never get sick of fantasy or romance, though. If I were to pick ONE genre to read for the rest of my life, fantasy with romance would be it!

  7. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books says:

    I enjoy holiday reads but only during the actual holidays. Guess I’m just picky that way. lol A lot of my blogger friends are already diving deep into the holiday books but it just seems kind of jarring to me – especially when it’s 85 degrees outside. 🙂 I hope you enjoy In a Holidaze! That was a fun one.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      I don’t think I’d be able to read Christmas books during any month except December, maybe in November once Thanksgiving is over. If I watch Christmas movies, I usually only watch one maybe two each year. And, I usually only watch them during the week before Christmas up to New Year’s unless is THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS. I’ll watch that movie and listen to the music any time of the year. 😀

  8. Cassie
    Cassie says:

    I’m not a big Christmas book reader either – not a big Christmas llama in general – I’ll read one if it’s in a series of books, and there’s one or two chick-lit authors I’ll make an exception for but I don’t love them.

    The main genre I don’t read is probably either high fantasy or western (although at some point I’ll probably read a western just to confirm LOL)

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      I’ve never read a Western. I’m sure I’d be okay IF there was romance too. Otherwise, westerns are definitely something I’m not very interested in at all. I love high fantasy. I get why some don’t love it, though. 😀

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