July 2024 Book Club

My IRL book club met this past Wednesday. July has been our “memoir-of-choice” month for the last three years. It’s one of my favorite book club months every year.

There was a little overlap this year as a couple of people read Tom Felton’s BEYOND THE WAND memoir. Otherwise, thanks to a few people reading more than one memoir, we had a lot of good ones to talk about.

We had a discussion about how most memoirs are sad or depressing because the author usually has had to go through some terrible ordeal (e.g. abuse, addiction, poverty, mental illness). I pointed out that Neil Patrick Harris seemed to have a really great life from what I read in CHOOSE YOUR OWN AUTOBIOGRAPHY. He talked about the inner turmoil of coming to grips with his sexuality and some of his experimentation to help him realize he’s gay. He had a good childhood, his time in Hollywood has been great, and his family life with his husband and kids is eventful but “normal.” I kind of wonder if that’s why he wrote more of an autobiography than a memoir.

Most, if not all, listened to the audiobook of each memoir. A few of the memoirs were rated 4 stars and only two were rated 5 stars, the rest 3 stars. The two 5-star memoirs were BEYOND THE WAND and WE WERE DREAMERS by Simu Liu.

Here’s what Stacy had to say about BEYOND THE WAND:

I really enjoyed this. I listened to it and appreciate that open honest nature.

Here’s what Kami had to say about WE WERE DREAMERS:

Simu’s story is sorrowful yet inspiring. I love that he sees the good and bad in his life as learning experiences. The whole book is very touching. I love how vulnerable and real he was throughout.

I loved the way he spoke about Asian representation and what that means to people of our generation. He made it so personal. It was hard to hold back tears.

If we continue this tradition next year, I’d like to read TASTE: MY LIFE THROUGH FOOD by Stanley Tucci. I wanted to read it this year, but I didn’t plan ahead in time for my hold to be ready from the library.

Next month’s book is THE UNWEDDING by Ally Condie. I’m really looking forward to reading it as it was picked as the June book Reese’s Book Club.

Have you read any of the memoirs we read this month? If so, what did you think of them?

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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12 replies
  1. Joy Weese Moll
    Joy Weese Moll says:

    What a terrific idea for a book club!

    Memoirs by celebrities are my favorite audiobooks. I read them based on voices that I like to listen to — most recently, Alan Cumming and Patrick Stewart.

  2. Jinjer
    Jinjer says:

    I love me a good memoir! Doesn’t matter who it is as long as they know how to write in a way that is not boring. I had to Google to see who the heck Tom Felton is. I’ve seen all the Harry Potter movies but I suck when it comes to remembering actor names. I had also never heard of Simu Liu.

    I have read Glass Castle. I tried to read Maid but found it boring cuz the series or movie or whatever it was I watched was so good.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Agreed. If the author can write a compelling enough story about what happened to them, then I’m in. 😀 My husband is the same way about remembering actors so I totally get it.

  3. Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books)
    Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books) says:

    I don’t read a lot of memoirs, probably for the exact reason you mentioned: they’re usually sad and depressing. I did like SURRENDER by Bono. If you like U2, it’s a must-read. It’s also funny and inspiring. I also just finished listening to THE GOOD NEIGHBOR, which is a biography of Mr. Rogers. It was excellent. Very informative and inspiring.


    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Yeah, I can understand. I honestly don’t read a lot either, but I have loved most of the ones I have read, especially the ones that deal with mental illness.

      I’ll have to look into Bono’s as well as Mr. Rogers’. Thanks for the recommendations! 😀

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