
2022 Reading Goals Check-In

Now that the year is halfway over (can you believe it?), I thought I’d check-in on my progress with my 2022 reading goals. My reading goals for 2022 are:

  • Read at least 24 books.
  • Read at least 50% of my IRL book club books.
  • Read a book for 50% of the monthly tags hosted by my Goodreads group: Play Book Tag (PBT).
  • Read every Book of the Month book I select before the end of the year.

I’m also participating in two challenges:

  • The Unofficial Trim Challenge hosted by PBT.
  • The Narniathon hosted by Chris (Calmgrove).

I’ve been keeping track of my progress on my 2022 Reads page.

Yearly Goal

My goal for the year is to read 24 books and I’ve read 23. I only need to read one more book! I guess I’ve kind of annihilated that goal. I’m not going to officially change my goal; I’m now seeing if I can read 52 books by the end of the year, which will be the most books I’ve ever read in one year.

So far, my favorite books I’ve read this year are:

  1. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
  2. Anxious People by Frederik Backman
  3. Dear Emmie Blue by Lia Louis
  4. The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood
  5. Every Summer After by Carley Fortune (no review yet)
  6. A River Enchanted by Rebecca Ross
  7. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
  8. The Magnolia Palace by Fiona Davis
IRL Book Club

I made a goal to read at least 50% of my IRL book club books this year. I’ve currently read 5 out of 6. I didn’t get a chance to read May’s book because I was really stressed that month, and when I’m stressed or sick my reading goes first. Here are the books I read:

To reach my goal, I only need to read one more book. I plan to read more, though, as we have some great books scheduled for the last half of the year.

Play Book Tag

Each month we vote on a “tag” (a theme) and share, discuss, and review books that fit the tag. I wanted to read one book for at least 50% of the tags. I’ve currently read 5 out of 6 tags so I only need to read one more book to reach this goal. I plan to read more tags as long as they interest me. Here are the books I’ve read:

Book of the Month

I joined Book of the Month in January. I made a goal to read every book I get by the end of the year. I’ve read 3 out of 6 books so far.

It looks like I’m a little behind on this one. I might need to sacrifice some of the challenges so I can reach this one.

Unofficial Trim Challenge

Each of us created a list of 24 books that are on our TBR. Each month, a participating member randomly picks a remaining number between 1 through 24. Then, we read the book associated with that number on our list. Because there are 24 books, this challenge will last for two years. I’ve read 6 out of 6 books. (I read two as book club books; they still count because they’re not on my TBR anymore.) I didn’t get a chance to read May’s book, again, because I was stressed. I also didn’t get to June’s book because I was sick with COVID for a week and it threw off my groove for the month.


The Narniathon started in December 2021 and technically runs until next month so participants can read an extra book if they want. The seven books of the Narniad are enough for me. I’m behind on the last two books because of how May and June have treated me. I’m going to try to catch up in July.

Anyway, I’m really happy with my reading progress. I’ve read more than I obviously thought I would. It’s been fun and I’ve discovered so many great books and authors. I can’t wait to discover more during the last half of the year.

How are you doing on your goals this year?

P.S. I forgot this was posting today so some of the sections were incomplete and show as such in Feedly and Bloglovin’. Oops.

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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12 replies
  1. Chris Lovegrove
    Chris Lovegrove says:

    Well done on the goals you’ve almost completed, and good luck with those you’re still working on! I don’t know of many of your titles and authors, but a few are familiar even if I haven’t read them. No rush with the Narnia books, Jenni, the posts will remain open for those who want to comment or link to their posts.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Chris! 😀 I’m quite surprised by how much I’ve read this year because I’m been in an epic reading slump for the past 3 or 4 years. I’m glad it’s over as I’ve missed reading.

      Also, thanks for hosting the Narniathon. I’ve really enjoyed it and I look forward to finishing the last two books. 😀

  2. Margaret
    Margaret says:

    I’m so impressed that in spite of the move and Covid, you’ve accomplished so many of your goals. I don’t do any challenges or set too many goals although I’m retired and certainly could. 🙂

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks. 😀 I did most of my reading before I got COVID and before we decided to move, lol. My reading has definitely slowed down in the past two months.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks! 😀 I’m really excited about my goals. I haven’t do this well for a really long time. I’m glad you’re on track with yours as well. Let’s keep up the good work, lol!

  3. Sara
    Sara says:

    Hi Jenni!
    Oh my gosh, I had no idea Narniathon was a thing! That is totally right up my alley because I love those books. I read TLTWATW every winter!

    I just saw on your instagram that you reached your reading goal – super exciting! Looks like you’re doing a fantastic job with your goals

    New follower – also requested to join your Goodreads. I love your reading tastes!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Yeah, it started back in December. It’s been fun to reread the series. I like some of the books and the others not so much, lol. Although, I did like THE MAGICIAN’S NEPHEW better this time around and so far I’m liking THE LAST BATTLE much better than my first read through. 😀

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