August 2022 Monthly Wrap-up

I didn’t read much this month because I got LASIK on the 2nd and my eyesight has been wonky ever since. It’s okay, though, because it’s to be expected and my eyesight should be less wonky after my eyes heal completely. Because I’ve missed reading SOOO much, I have extremely lofty goals for September.

I did start three books this month: A DRESS OF VIOLET TAFFETA by Tessa Arlen, LINES OF COURAGE by Jennifer A Nielsen, and THE GOOD SISTER by Sally Hepworth. I decided to table A DRESS OF VIOLET TAFFETA for now. I know I’ll like it; I just realized I wasn’t in the mood for it when I started it. I was enjoying LINES OF COURAGE and would’ve completed it, but my due date for THE GOOD SISTER was looming and I really wanted to read it before I took it back to the library.

I don’t really have a favorite or least favorite book this month … obviously.

Books Read


Books Read: 1

Pages Read: 309

Average Rating: 3.0


Books Read: 26

Pages Read: 8,272

Average Rating: 3.98

September Plans

How did your August go? What are your plans for September?

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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16 replies
    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Wendy! 😀 They are slowly going back to normal. It seems when I just wake up and the evenings are the worst. If I use my reading glasses, though, it helps.

      Ha ha! I know, right? Realistically, I think I can get through five or six of them if I didn’t have anything else going on. Since I do, maybe three of them. I guess we’ll see! 😀

  1. Margaret
    Margaret says:

    I remember those wonky eye days after surgery! Remember that you are still reading more than most people and that the books will still be there when you’re in the mood and your eyes can handle it. I don’t have many plans for September except to enjoy as much of it as I can.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Because I hang around with book bloggers when I’m reading and I’m always woefully behind on the number of books I read each month, I forget I’m still reading more than most people. Thanks for the reminder! 😀 Plus, it’s not a race. Reading is for enjoyment and I want to keep it that way.

  2. Sara
    Sara says:

    Oh Jen, your eyes will thank you for taking care of them this month! If your eyes still have any adjustments still going on, I’d definitely recommend audiobooks. That’s what I did sort of on and off.

    You have some really awesome books on the list! A lot of people have been loving the new Ali Hazelwood.

    Happy reading! And cheers to a new month!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Sara! 😀 My eyes have definitely been happier when I’ve taken it easy. Fortunately, they’re to the point I can read again. They just still get a tad blurry at night and when I first wake up. Thanks for the idea of audiobooks. I always forget about them because I’m not much of an audiobook listener.

  3. Louise Hallett
    Louise Hallett says:

    Good luck with the September reading goals and hopefully you’ll find reading easier this month! Love on the Brain and Vampire Academy are both on my TBR so I look forward to hearing your thoughts on them.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Louise! 😀 I think I will find reading much easier this month. I finally feel settled in and my eyesight’s much better. I feel much more relaxed than I have the last couple of months.

  4. Lindsey @ Lindsey Reads
    Lindsey @ Lindsey Reads says:

    Hope your eyesight will be better soon. It looks like you have a great reading month ahead in September: I read and LOVED Love on the Brain and Where The Crawdads Sing. Vampire Academy seems like a fun read to prepare for the TV show, I may need to try that too as I haven’t read the series yet 🙂 Hope you’ll have an amazing September!

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thank you, Lindsey! 😀 I’m glad to hear you loved Love on the Brain and Where the Crawdads Sing. I’m looking forward to reading both. Yes, I want to read Vampire Academy to get ready for the show. Hopefully, I can.

  5. Roberta R.
    Roberta R. says:

    I hope your eyes heal soon! I have Feed on my TBR list (well, the whole series, since I love McGuire) – right now I’m catching up with her InCryptid series though, so it will be a while until I get to read it.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Thanks, Roberta! 😀 I’m reading Feed because it’s my book club’s October pick. I’m really excited about it, though. I love zombie movies, but I haven’t read many zombie books and I think I’ll really dig them. LOL. This will also be my first book by McGuire. I’ve heard she’s an awesome author so I’m really excited!


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