June 2024 Monthly Wrap-up

My reading suffered a lot in March and April thanks to my health issues. Even though I didn’t feel like starting any new-to-me books in May, I did reread the first three Harry Potter books via audio. I then finished rereading the series in June.

Because I didn’t read any new-to-me books in June either, this post’s more about updating my year-to-date stats and posting my plans for July than anything else. I’m hoping my reading will get back on track in July with some new-to-me books.

I learned in DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) that life is full of dialectics, or two opposing truths. In this case, the two opposing truths are: 1) I don’t agree with JKR’s stance regarding trans people, and 2) I still love Harry Potter.

Books Read
Books Reviewed (in March)


Books Read: 4

Pages Read: 3,016

Hours Listened: 87h 13m

Average Rating: 5.0


Books Read: 18

Pages Read: 8,709

Hours Listened: 165h 34m

Average Rating: 4.81

July Plans

How did your June go? What are your plans for July?

About Jenni Elyse

Hi, I'm Jenni. I’m an eclectic reader. I mostly read fiction and I favor fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, and romance. The more kissing in a book the better!
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8 replies
  1. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) says:

    I’m hoping to get to Fourth Wing in July as well! Let’s hope we both get a chance to read it. I like the DBT thing, because I feel the same as you. I can’t give up my Harry Potter love, even as I don’t want to support JKR’s beliefs in that aspect. Hope you have a better month healthwise!

  2. Margaret
    Margaret says:

    I’ve heard a lot about that Yarros series and might give it a try. Any reading is excellent! I don’t really set any goals except to enjoy and either learn from or be entertained by my book choices.

  3. Deb Nance
    Deb Nance says:

    I’ve never heard of DBT, but now I think I need to find out more about it. I do agree that life is composed of opposing truths, and that is the greatest truth. And I agree with you completely about Rowling.

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      DBT’s a type of CBT. It specifically designed for people diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and suicidal ideation. It’s a skills-based approach to therapy. I was in the program for a year and it changed my life. 😀

  4. looloolooweez
    looloolooweez says:

    Sometimes you just need a good comfort re-read, you know? HP is one of those series for me, too, even though I’m no longer interested in hearing from or supporting the author. I’ve had to train myself to be more comfortable with that art-vs.-artist quality contrast since I’ve started reading more classics.

    I hope your July reading is enjoyable. I’ve heard some wildly different opinions about Fourth Wing, so I look forward to hearing what you think about it (if you decide to share).

    • Jenni Elyse
      Jenni Elyse says:

      Yes, the art vs. artist thing is very hard sometimes, especially since most artists get some sort of support when people view / read artists’ works.

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